


I'm so lazy and unmotivated that the stories in my head were not given justice. I hope i get through it!

2022-03-16 BergabungPhilippines



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  • BoriCats

    I'm starting to dislike this girl. It's okay to grumble inside your head if someone didn't help you. But to chastised them for not helping is such a spoiled kid behavior. He does not know you, you're not his responsibility and he's not obligated to help you. If he helped you then that's kind, but if not he's just not a gentleman and be done with it, it's not like he pushed you. Strike 1, if it reach three I'm dropping this

    "Why didn't you stop me from falling?" She asked him, feeling the dull pain in her bottom. She had seen his eyes shift towards her hand, but he had made no effort to move.
    Allure Of The Night
    Fantasi · ash_knight17
  • BoriCats

    He's not indebted to help. Why do people expects other people to help you in times of need and get angry if they did not help. It's not their business. They are also not responsible to help you.

    The umbrella that she held flew out of her hand, and her other hand reached toward the man. The man tilted his head, and soon Eve's bottom kissed the ground.
    Allure Of The Night
    Fantasi · ash_knight17
  • BoriCats

    who the fuck says this is not harem book? He's a flirt okay and all women just helplessly falls for him. they're very indifferent to other guys but they suddenly got bold with him. This depiction of women turns off me. Another thing, there are so many filler chapters of random people and their fight scenes during the games that some aren't related directly to the MCs plight. The was unneeded, you can just summarize it in a paragraph or two, but the author just wanted to up the word count. Guess what, it's boring and annoying. Just imagine paying coins for 2 or three chapters that aren't related with the MC. Some of these characters end up dead anyway so why bother, we don't care about their lackluster fight scenes. It only made me sleepy and disinterested with the story. The characters also in the story are mostly annoying. I just don't like them personally. Lastly, the whole idea about games seems very unmotivating factor for me. He needed to become strong so he had to play the games for rewards, then again why does he wanted to become strong? So that he can play better in games? There's no greater threat or conflict. It could be more interesting if he hunted this materials in real life. Most of the time it's in the game and virtual world which gets old fast for me.

    Supremacy Games
    Sci-fi · MidGard
  • BoriCats
    Balas chanduy

    Thank you for this, this is really one of my turn offs in books. I really don't mind if a guy sleeps around as long as I sleeps around too. But a pure girl offering myself to a used guy? Haha no way. You get to eat different meat varieties but I'll just be left with leftovers? Call me prude, but I believe I deserve a chaste man if I'm pure myself. If I'm not pure then I'll not be hypocrite and deny a similar man for me. I'll always say this analogy to those who critic this view of mine. It's like I saw someone was eating a steak, they munch it in their mouth and spit it out, then the munch bits where shaped into a stake then cooked again then served to me. Guys, I'll puke.

    The Rise of the White Lotus
    Umum · BAJJ
  • BoriCats

    I've read two books of Sorahana before this and I've stayed in it for quite some chapters till I dropped them. Most of the reason were despite how good she was at creating plot and interesting flow of the story those two books have so slow romance, I like slow romance but I have a limit to how slow it was and if I have already spends days reading it and the romance was not going anywhere then I'm dropping it. Which leads me in staying away from her books as I don't want to spend time for a book that I'll drop anyway due to her style of writing. Despite that, I still read this as I've quite interested with the blurb and it looks like it's more leaning in romance than in plot. I was wrong, Sorahana likes her plotting and I appreciate that but her comes the problem. The story has potential but it was made haphazardly. It felt like the author was lazy on giving more effort than usual and just made a poorly characterized, plotted, and flowed story. The characters are reacting inconsistently, the plot has so many holes and questionable logic. And it's boring. Why? Because there's nothing new. This trope is a common trope and she just basically made it as average as it is. Which is a shame as those two prior books I've read had some unique plots and explore more things and in depth things regarding the common genres. This one I think was just made so that the author can earn some coins.

    The Villain's Little Cat
    Sci-fi · Sorahana
  • BoriCats

    If you're a veteran reader then this will only bore you. All of the good reviews here are all written by those who only read the first chapters of the book and are new to this genre. So cliche. The parents are stupid for no reason. Everyone seems to hate her. Everyone thinks she looks like a goddess for no reason. She knows everything and if someone ask her if she know how to embalm a dead body; cook a crocodile; or pilot a space ship, she probably can do it and be the expert of it. She always has this cold face that was just so old school that the author may think as cool. It's ridiculous. This type of novels was so common and copied that makes you asked of authors weren't tired writing this unoriginal stuff, are chinese people that much low level in writing?

    All-Mighty Girl Gets Spoiled by A Bigshot
    Umum · Yu Jian Yang
  • BoriCats
    Balas Elizabeth123

    Yes, so true. The first 200 chapters shows potential and I enjoyed it truly but I feel like the author either dropped his/her IQ from that onward or he/she was replaced by an impostor. There was a sudden shift from CH 200 onwards.

    The Genius Doctor, My Wife, Is Valiant
    Fantasi · Yuan Lai
  • BoriCats

    To be honest, this started good and it gave the impression that this was not written by a stupid author who just copies everything out there. It has logic, sense and stability in the first 200 chapters, I just don't know what happened after it. It all falls downhill in the entertainment arc. It started to feel dumb. It now became a face slapping scenes and it was not even made decently. There are moments that are cringey because they are highly unrealistic. Everyone started to be one dimensional character and the way they act and even their lines are looking the same. Some people don't even have distinct characters anymore. Like they are male but their lines and the way they speak sounds similar to those cannon fodder female characters. Also, the plot starts to convulate and be stagnant. There came the mistakenly exchanged kids trope and it was done very crudely. Just because someone saw that you look like their granma, they decided to do a dna. Its more like because they needed more plot armor for her. I didn't even know the reason why she has to be an actress when she's better at other things and she wanted to make money. Acting gives little money and it will took her 4 months to finish which is so OOC for her. She can use that time to create an empire, there's no legitimate reason why entertainment arc should proceed from this story other than the author has some wish fulfillment fetish to make her/his character famous and the only way she/he can think of was the dumb entertainment arc. I thought this book was smart and at least mature in its operation but I have a feeling that it change authors after the 200th chapter. It's sad, I at least was expecting a lot from this.

    The Genius Doctor, My Wife, Is Valiant
    Fantasi · Yuan Lai
  • BoriCats

    It's really a letdown. This book is overrated. The only reason I read this was because it has 4.8 stars which was a pretty high and reliable indication of a good book. So I read it without reading the reviews seeing it's obvious to be mostly positive. When I was reading it, I always had this urge to drop it. The translation despite being legible was confusing. The story itself and how it was written was also unclear, there are instances when you just don't get what was happening, it made me wonder if I left out some paragraphs or the translators forget to translate it, which was really not the case, it was just not well written. The characters are pretty bland and they hardly hook some interest in my reader viewpoint. So i decided to read the reviews back and then I saw how many negative reviews it has, which was unexpected seeing this was a 4.8 star novel. It really made me start hesitating the credibility of the ratings here in Webnovel. But as this was the first one so I hope this was an isolated case.

    Rebirth of the Heavenly Empress
    Fantasi · Road of Flowers
  • BoriCats
    Balas sneeh

    this was obviously a move from the author to increase chapters seeing her book was famous. Like she could have written another book or separate the two books like make a sequel where it was stated that this book is when she came back to her world.

    Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief
    perkotaan · Scarlet Phoenix
  • BoriCats
    Balas claire_de_lune_xx

    I was going to read this seriously but I changed my mind. Like seriously, why would you waste a 1700+ chapter just for a dream. It would be a waste of time and engagement.

    Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief
    perkotaan · Scarlet Phoenix
  • BoriCats
    Balas Twisteddoll

    true this was very overrated but I expected already that the FL was inept and incompetent towards dealing with familial relationship. Any smart person will throw their pride and use a powerful person that was conveniently available to them to protect herself in the future, knowing that she has yet the power to protect herself and the ability/means to retaliate. That's why it was easy for me to enjoy the book, I was at Chapter 60, because in the first place I was not expecting anything big from her. She's clearly emotional and sentimental, If a guy hurt me like her ex fiance, I would be very angry and loathsome with him not hurt and miserable, it's been 4 years already. Her character was very realistic and stable , It's just that most people expect FL to be smart when they are schemed. So this might not be their cup of tea. I'm not yet to the point where Im so annoyed of dropping this, I hope it was not that bad.

    My Secretary is a Little Sweet
    perkotaan · Xia Qingshan
  • BoriCats
    Balas _E_M_H_

    Finally found the reason why I should drop this. So this was not completed. What a waste of time.

    She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment
    Umum · Mr. Yan
  • BoriCats
    Balas ganberry

    im in the chapter 200 and I dont think i can continue reading the story and its frustration till it eventually thickens later on. It surely was not worth it right?

    She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment
    Umum · Mr. Yan
  • BoriCats

    This a review full of complaints First of all, for a story that complains almost the main characters and their kids to be geniuses the story and character execution seems dumb to me. The amount of misunderstanding that even a simpleton could have guess at was stretch so much that the characters now seem dumb despite the fact that they were geniuses. They're not dumb actually but there are more smarter stories out there with MCs that never claims to be geniuses but the things they do, their thought processes and actions constitutes a smart move. While this book like to fish more chapter through absurd words of stupid reason and chances where the author can justify why the misunderstanding or mystery was still not apparent to the characters. It was actually okay at the start as the mystery and amount of misunderstanding can be a good plot to read but when it spans for hundreds of chapters of stupid reasons and chances, the book quality suffers. It might be okay if they are just normal simple people but they are abnormally genius people, that's what was written by the author. Sadly, they are not acting like it. The worst part is when around the 150th chapters, the author just stops to create reason and just let the characters act like an actual fool who was so oblivious to the obvious signs that was glaring in shining letters in front of them. Really disappointing. It really lowers the credibility of the story. Sigh. I didn't even sleep till it was 1 PM in the afternoon just to read the first chapters. I read this as 4 am which was near my sleeping time. The start was promising but it gone downhill afterwards. Also, the MC just became uncaring with her daughter and sons after she knew about the existence of her son, like all she did was sleep and spend less time and effort to care to them. Which was not the case from the early chapters, she was a loving and caring mother there but the author neglects her. Don't even talk about the romance. It was unconvincing and very disappointing. If the author does not focus on faceslapping that spans from tens of chapters to chapters, the romance part could have been made properly. The author suddenly decided to just let them feel in love with each other without sufficient backing of it. Like the author realizes that she forgot the mc as a mother and has a lovelife and just botched some chapters to fill this hole. DISSAPONTING. I'm thinking of dropping it. It's decided, Im gonna drop it already. It brought dissatisfaction and frustration than the joy and thrill when I was reading it's first chapters.

    She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment
    Umum · Mr. Yan
  • BoriCats

    While despite being unoriginal, the story still was an okay read if and only if it was not overly exaggerated. What I mean was that while the MC was talented and a genius, she was not good at everything, there are still a lot of things she's not good at. But the story seems wanted to publicize these amazing abilities of the MC in a force and pathetic way. The author could have made some decent and unassuming or unpretentious wat but she has to do it in the obvious way that I feel was so cringey and unnecessary from the timeline of the story. She was still keeping her abilities, I don't even know why she did this if the author initially wanted to publicize it already. The tone and intent clashes with each other, thus the equilibrium. But I'm still hanging on it, I guess the only way out for me is to accept that she will not have secrecy on the things she wanted initially to be secret. I'm still hoping actually that the romance part will start when she's atleast 18 but I think this is one of those books where she will stay 15 till the ending like wtf is that?! It's another thing if she's mentally old, she got reincarnated three times I guess so she's legal mentally but she's only a lolita and I find it very uncomfortable being romanticized by those older than her. I don't even know, this seems to be common in chinese novels.

    From Sidekick to Bigshot
    perkotaan · Er Fengchong
  • BoriCats
    Balas Daoist996601

    Translation errors, this is pretty common in the translation community. Just don't blatantly believe everything written if it's translated. Take it with a bit of logic on your side. If it does not make sense then either the translation made errors or the author sucks

    Rebirth of the Best Businesswoman at School
    perkotaan · Winter's Embrace
  • BoriCats

    The MC has a bad habit of punching or slapping people when she's angry with them. I mean I'm in the 800+ chapters and she never seems to grow out of this. Like she's 27 and technically these kids are in their 14 to 15 age. Instead of dealing with it in a smart way, she loves to deal with it in a physical way, no matter what the consequences are. They badmouted her, she thinks that they'll think she's weak and pushover so she punched or slapped them. Like she's the BEST businesswoman but she's not that logical, cunning and wise on her decision sometimes. Like I'm not gonna nag on her qualities as it's good to be imperfect and not a Mary Sue. But the title itself states that the Best Businesswoman, and how misleading that title is. In business aspect, she's not that good and she lacks the quality and traits of what a good leader and businessman should have. If she does not have Bai Zhou on her side, I don't think she'll ever be successful in real estate or entertainment business when she's not that quip to hold on to the mantle. indeed she's the best businesswoman as she's the only woman so far in the story that's doing business. But compared to businessMAN, she still needs more years to have the quality to be even compared with them. in terms of her leadership as a sect master, she's disappointing. She lacks the reward and punishment system. When they do something great she's hardly thankful for them and when they do stuff that betrays her order she hardly even punished them. She's not obligated cause this position was given to her, but she's using it so she should take responsibility. Aside from the disappointing MC, the story is okay

    Rebirth of the Best Businesswoman at School
    perkotaan · Winter's Embrace
  • BoriCats

    It's good but to be honest I don't quite like the ml. I mean he's a nice guy but I would not date him if I were the FL. Like he's super rich and powerful but he's only focusing on their relationship and not on the life of the FL. Like he can stomp those enemies of FL, but during his inauguration banquet, he invited both the 3 of them, then it lead to the FL being bullied and schemed during his OWN banquet. Like has he no control with that? This three nearly drove her Grandma and FL down then threatened the life of FL but no, he still invited them and now the FL is hurting and was bullied. The FL hates her stepsis but the ML company still took her for an advertisement. He has the power to atleast pressure their own companies but he never did and now the FL was always schemed and hurt by these has-no-problem enemies. I know he's not obligated that's why I don't hate him and I know that it's better for the FL to stand on her own and defend herself. But if I have a Girlfriend the same as the FL, I will not let go of these perpetrators that hurt my love and I will do things to pressure them so they can't hurt her anymore. Because that's how love works, you care for the wellbeing for your partner and you will try to help her so that she will not be hurt anymore and knowingly he saw how helpless and vulnerable the FL was all the time because of them. He was indeed distressed and concerned about it but he made no action with it. I don't hate him because he didn't do anything wrong but I will not like him as a BF either. Like what's the use of the power you have if you can't use it to safeguard those you care about. GO FL! I'm still rooting for you.

    Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!
    perkotaan · Nannan Li
  • BoriCats
    Balas 2_Chey_9

    Yeah ur right. I dropped it though. I also got tired with the FL. Thanks though

    I Become A Burdensome Child After Transmigrating
    Umum · Biting Peaches