“Incredible, truly incredible, it’s so unfathomable it looks like chicken scratch to this old man. I can’t understand a thing!” - Attempting to read MTL.
Membaca buku-buku
Chat GPT will probably reach something like that after running an API by devouring the entire internet for code and logic...
And 5000 Ryo is still equivalent to $50. Less than a video game for some, just a single meal for others.
The only pokémon movies I've ever seen was the first one with Mew/Mewtwo and I think the third one with Entei because it kept running on repeat on Cartoon Network... 20+ years have gone since I last looked into pokémon, I wonder if it'll be good ^^
5000 Ryo is actually pennies to a shinobi, and once they catch on to 'gain an ability'-part (if there's any realism) he'll get swarmed. 10 customers for a new comic? He'll empty out the worlds comics in a month lol
Too much 4th wall breaking 'thoughts' and A/N comments - can't go a single chapter with immersion. Still good writing, but it's not my cup of tea. Solid 3-stars!
Such a rare thing to actually laugh to something you're reading, and this right here is exactly that. I've been writing an 'evil but humorous'-fic myself, but got caught some stomach virus, followed by the flu, which then ended up with covid - a whole 6 months away from my own story. And when I got back to write? My harddrive had died - all documents gone! HAHA! At any rate, give this one a shot. The premise of 'Child Emperor' almost made me ignore this story, and I'm extremely glad I didn't. Full pot of stars from me!
Well, my intent by adding the slice-of-life tag is to do my best and retain the realism of the naruto world. We're 40+ chapters in, and in-world time it's been almost two weeks, haha... The potential the story I planned can run for about 1000 chapters, if it follows my draft - but I'm not sure I can keep going all the way. We're still very-very early into things, and I'm sorry it feels slow. :)
If Google Translate is right, then the answer is; Yes - Obito and Kakashi is not on Minato's team. ^^