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That doesn't mean that they can't take a few minutes to read over it themselves or have someone else do it. I believe that is common sense for most of the world when it comes to writing.
How is this intelligent? You literally just explained it to him.
Why is there the same information over and over?
Amazing story so far. Great writing quality and story telling. I can't wait to read more.
So the story looked good, but after reading 40+ chapters, it is basically just plagiarizing 3 different stories. Like straight up borderline word for word. The premise was there for a good story but with so much plagiarism i just couldn't continue.
I don't know if it gets better, but so far, the story has little to no explanation. Things just happen with no back story. Seems really rushed.
First of all I would like to say that the story has a lot of potential. It is very interesting. However, the leveling system and the mc talent has far too many holes. Multiple mistakes when combining either skills or equipment. The experience is also extremely flawed and has no logic whatsoever behind it. I would suggest that the author find someone to edit their writings before posting.
Terrible translation, it seems like someone just put it through a translator and said no to proofreading. It seems like a wonderful story, but after reading 300 chapters with no improvement in quality, I am giving up reading it.