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You are killing me, Author Sama
Oblivious son of a bitch 😂😂😂😂
Such wisdom!
I like this approach to magic. The engineering-type background behind the spell construction is refreshing. It's not a mindless absorption of a magical tome, or a spell that just pops up once you level up. Instead, you actually bloody need to understand what the hell you are doing.
This is a great time to say "I am sorry" or "I've been trying to make amends". Some BS like that.
I fail to see what he's supposed to understand. Is it like general understanding? Like comprehension in cultivation novels?
Why couldn't you just stop, girl? Such a simple command 😅
Math isn't mathing. At the auction hall 10 millions sounded like a really big amount of money. How comes a waitress in a small establishment earns 1,5 mil? Also, Ezra's check was for 500k and he was astounded... but only her rent was 500k.
The overall progression should have shot up through the roof by now. Everything should be changing just from listening to what she is saying