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Hufflepuff probably
I think it's a delicate way to say that he shit his pants.
Now that we're in year two, I wonder what the dynamic will be like between the MC and Luna.
Fun fact about my last comment, Trelawney is one of the wizards with the most brutal fighting styles. What is it? Basically she takes her crystal ball and throws it with her wand as if it were a tennis ball. What's so brutal about that? Well, in the final battle she blew the head off a werewolf with that technique, and she knows how many others she did the same to.
... ... Can you imagine a Trelawney X Kasenhis ship?...yes, strange, but interesting
When is Aika coming out?
I think it's Serafall who was watching
One of the strangest things I've read, but quite good in quality, it gives you the feeling of wanting to keep reading, besides being quite entertaining, so 10/10 🐢👍
If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans - Los Angeles Times