Membaca buku-buku
that sounds like return, but..... use your shadow clones to saughter whose people wholesale[img=proud]
percy jackson
also- what perks? at most you get resources to begin your cultivation of power. that nonesense about harems makes no sense- by the time you are as strong as a high class no one would interfere in your bedroom from a legal standpoint because its not worth pissing you off for near zero gain (so long as evryone is a consenting adult)
percy jackson world
what are his skill levels and stats? i read there are over 460 perks in ordinator so i want to estimame where he is perk wise.
good chapter. kindda glad he didn't get the last sword to resurrect the baby homocide god.
where is this guy?
law of time
if he is a god, why does he need ti work hard to become a demigod?