

2021-12-22 BergabungGlobal





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  • KlLOLO
    Balas Irebornintheboys

    That's pretty close to the truth.

    Ch 83 The Predator's abilities on display.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Irebornintheboys

    Congratulations! Your question is confusing just like the story.

    Ch 63 Deciding on Future Experimentation.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    ty, I updated the chapter👍

    Ch 100 Resonance - Dream Path
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    From what little I can remember about the guy, at rank-7 he could find against rank-8. And I don't remember if he's supposed to be rank-7 or rank-8 at this time within the story. If you can find a reference chapter for when he becomes rank-8 I would be grateful.

    Ch 100 Resonance - Dream Path
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    I'm western, so I'm going to use references from the Bible rather than the Buddhist texts; don't read to much into them.

    Ch 99 Egypt
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    Xue Leng only used the death of Jia Jin Sheng as an excuse to check out Gu Yue clan; his real reason for going was because he received a tip that Gu Yue clan is a demonic clan. The tip is probably from Lord Sky Crane the brother of First Gen Gu Yue(the guy who started Gu Yue clan) It is still a whiles away from Fang Yuan leaving Gu Yue clan.

    "I received an odd message informing me of a possible Demonic clan over at Qing Mao Mountain." Xue Leng paused his words as he looked over at the elders of the clan, praising Xie Ling. He felt something was very wrong about that man. By all accounts, every movement and action made by Xie Ling gave off both the feeling of youthful vigor and wise countenance, but Xue Leng felt in his gut that something was wrong.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    They are happy that five rank-5 Demonic Gu Masters well known for killing members of Tie clan are dead.

    "Five heads!" Tie Mu Bai shouted in a jolly cheer.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    No they are not experiments, they are original inhabitants of this world.

    Of course, these four additions weren't the souls of the four, as they were very much still alive, hiding somewhere undisclosed from the rest of the world.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO

    Hao Lee - attacked by Xie Ling on chapter 90 Vai Tao - introduced on chapter 91 Hun Cho and Qi Cuo - introduced on chapter 51

    Of course, these four additions weren't the souls of the four, as they were very much still alive, hiding somewhere undisclosed from the rest of the world.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    The five heads refers to when Xie Ling came to Tie Clan with a rope in hands tied to the five heads: Gao Xia, Hao Lee, Vai Tao, Hun Cho and Qi Cuo

    "Five heads!", "Five heads!", "Five heads!", "Five heads!", "Five heads!"
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    You're not wrong, but I fail to see how thoughts being physical clashes rather than a chemical process contradicts my point of the trees messing with the process of the brain communicating with the body. Now, I'll admit that I can't think of any good examples of this, so it's entirely possible that this is a simple oversight on my side, and I'm completely wrong. If so, I offer no apology! (The last part of my comment was joke; don't take it seriously.)

    Closing his eyes, Xie Ling pondered, "At first, I thought the effect of this forest was like Rule Path, making it nearly impossible to escape once ensnared; however, it's effects are more like Information Path. This forest doesn't forcefully turn my foot; it instead messes with the communication process, distorting it. When I tell my foot to go straight, these trees take that command and change it to ensure I stay stuck here. There is a slight problem though; the more conscious my movements are, the easier it is for the trees to change my movements, meaning the more I think, the harder it is to escape, making it difficult to figure out how they work. Shi Zhe!?"
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    I feel that, due to my lack of experience in writing, things like this will often pop up. As such, I will give a short rundown of history with this comment: Xie Ling: main control over the body. Hua Zhe: hunter: secondary control over the body, ability (distraction) Shi Zhe: predator: third control over the body, ability (imposing will over others) Xue Jia: an edited version of the original scientist made by Xie Ling because the former scientist was unwilling to perform immoral experimentation; fourth control over the body.

    Hive shook the top half of his body, mimicking the shaking of a head. "He only found out about the old scientist deceiving him two months into experimentation. That alone was suspicious; however, that's not the reason they would all think he's a fake. It's actually much simpler. When he introduced the new scientist, Xue Jia, he proved right then and there that his abilities were fake. Only in this world are wills solid; therefore, by introducing him as a solid entity to the rest, he revealed Xue Jia to be a will made of this world. This means he didn't actually kill the old scientist; instead, he put a cover on top of him, like a bedsheet or a mask. The real owner of the body wouldn't be restricted by such things."
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas GuYueFangYuan

    Explaining why it hasn't killed them yet would be a spoiler.

    Ch 60 Delayed Travel
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    The one attacking Hao Lee is Shi Zhe who was given control over the body by Xie Ling.

    "If he runs away, I will re-awaken 'Hao Lee - The Swamp Demon', and then make a contract with him to help me kill this man. And if this strange man doesn't run away and instead kills Hao Lee, I will simply sit back and watch. Time is on my side; I've got the advantage in information and position; this is likely to be a drawn-out battle; I'll have to reduce my use of Static Thoughts Gu, as I only have enough food to last it six months."
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    While information path is generally better known for contracts than convoluted plans, it is still very good at making plans.

    Vai Tao processed all this information as Xie Ling's leg gracefully flew through the air. This was the power of Information Path, creating heavily convoluted plans and remodeling them within an instant should something unaccounted for happen. striking only when the circumstances favor oneself and finding opportunities where others couldn't.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    nope sorry, that was an auto-correct error.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    I reckon most strength path cultivators by default have methods to also access their Hysterical Strength.

    "His first buff is something called Hysterical Strength. An example of this would be Angela Cavallo. When her child was stuck under a car, she was able to summon a sort of hysterical strength within her to lift the car, saving her child."
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    Why ask questions that you know I can't answer without accidentally giving spoilers?

    Xie Ling turned his head to the sky as he contemplated, "'Heaven's will'... What a fitting name for the most untouchable entity in this world! After making that contract with Vai Tao, I learned of Tie clan's many power struggles. I learned of Heaven's Will. I learned that there are indeed hundreds of methods to hide from it; these claws barely count as a method. And lastly, but most importantly, I learned of a method to make contact with it, although it's a little expensive. Until then, I can't do anything too big, lest I want Heaven's rage brought down upon me."
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    Well, it's a human arm; however, it's more Transformation Path than Human Path.

    Before he could curse the rotten situation he was in, Gao Xia felt the shadow arms grab onto his arms as a third blade flew through the woman's stomach, turn into a pillar, and hit him hard in the chest.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO
  • KlLOLO
    Balas Ur_Mom_Gay_lol

    The chapter is called a meeting with two masters, and he didn't kill them at that time.

    Many of the elders frowned at that last part, Hun Cho and Qi Cuo were the cream of the crop. Emotion Path and Soul Path were both tricky paths to defend against. As such any news on them going missing doesn't mean they're dead, it instead means that they're planning something.
    Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001
    Derivasi dari karya · KlLOLO