mehh, vou tentar meu melhor
Membaca buku-buku
Antheist = at least
Make more crak-moments like if they pass a trashould he explode i mean, he is abused for atheist for 30 years, I mean if he is buried by 2 iffances and an adolescence is somewhat 30 years I mean, someone that suffer that much can't be that compassion forever
Basicaly political desistabilization, chaos , and he appear as the "good guy" and sui Feng a incapable person with mental issues soo he can make the suifeng progress slow down, u know as captain with half the force wicht she can be
As i see i have an idea, what if this is the seiya objective, to weak even more the seretei, to make sui-feng a political parea, to weak even more the seretei
Ohhh boiiii, this juicy
Why orochimaru gonna do that? I mean he don't know sakuras parents and even if he know he isn't related
Just an idea of game? Idk, basicaly a engine like roblox that you can make game and use them as platform with 30% of revenue going to him(like steam) bc he have the power to create an engine that facilitates creating a game like roblox
Unstoppable arrogance only makes easy to be surprised and killed
I mean I can accept for the 9 tails, seems fair to me if the 9 tails is involved
Is good i at least think that, dont need a change just continue or reright idk, if YOU this is good soo it is, dont let my opnion or others tell you what to do, is YOUR story, so if anyone including me tell you what to do or ofend you send them to hell