Soul as strong as steel. Don't make out near me. — NotHuman
Membaca buku-buku
Penulisannya indah dan ngalir sekali. Begitu menawan kala bacanya, hehe. Masih tunggu authornya update lagi. Ceritanya seru dan selalu penasaran tiap akhir chapternya. Lanjutkan hingga tamat, ya Thor. Salah satu cerita amazing di my library. 🤗
This is sooo 😍😍
more and more updates ... haha. Spirit, Author!
woa ...
I really like this story. Now, it's one of the updates I'll be waiting for. I hope the author can update the chapter as soon as possible. 😍😍🥰
I like this chapter. I hope the author will add more chapters, xixi