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I was recommended this book by someone I know and then I saw it in ongoing originals today so I knew I had to read it, I'll be honest about my input and the things that I find appealing or otherwise The plot is quite fluid and the characters are well placed, this is the kind of story one can close eyes on and imagine it's world moving in head. In down point there isn't much but sometimes some description can be overwhelming. I enjoy the story so far
Thanks for the chapter
Honestly was pulled in by that dope cover but the story is better than cover itself the protagonist have very unique personality and charms unique to him I'll be reading!! Thanks author
Although the idea of system and everyone getting them suddenly isn't something totally new as seen with a book I don't remember name of but everyone get system as gift on Christmas. But the thing about this book is writer had taken quite a unique take on it with territories and coins, the story have a nice flow and Bing readable waiting for more chapter to came so I can Bing read in a go
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter
In synopsis mother who live in china* Not which live in china
This story have potential, it is interesting and prose The things are well placed characters personalities are defining. You are doing nice work~~ Keep up the good work author, I'll be reading
Thanks for the chapter
Waiting for next chapter Here have a 5 star review and give me another chapter because premises seems interesting and the characters seems to know what they are doing All the best