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Honestly I like this novel. It's good. I have only 2 problems with this novel. 1. The unmistakable Chinese novel vibe. Eastern cultivatlon tropes. 2. Authors use of exclamation marks. They are everywhere. I recommend that they use it in the right places and the right time. There is no need to use it in every parapraph. İt's not immersive.
İs this translation dropped ? Because it hasn't uploaded for a month ?
All chapter are Locke..?................?
İt's the worst kind of wish fulfilment and nothing else. He is telling the story not showing it. There's detail. He did this, he did that. İt's trash.
I am out. Bye
Finally another chapter. Thank you.
Wow. He really is a piece of shit isn't he ?
"Don't get cocky kid" How many times do you plan to use this sentence ?
It was a good novel until chapter 21. I don't know why you did something like this and honestly ı don't care. I am out.
All of it is from another novel. Stop stealing other peoples work.