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That wouldn't matter. Teams wouldn't even look at anyone without some competitive racing, it would be a waste of a slot and they would look at more appropriate candidate. Unless they are going to bankroll the car. Just something to consider if you ever decide to do some rewrites. I think it would benefit the story.
Lol missed a free kick and it's end of the world... Although I guess it's understandable as it's been all smooth sailing for him until now. Not counting the intro.
Painful read, no flow broken english. Just google translated. Simple story the author might have some surface knowledge but it doesn't show. Knights don't compete in bow competitions, especially wearing full armor and helmet. Also about the hunt. They went hunting in full armor and got lost... because only knights and lords can go... Gave up the torture at around chat 17
Lol, knights din't really shoot bows. And no one in full armor and and helmet shot either... archers need their vision full range of motion
When one bang isn't enough... need 20
Wait, how can he afford 2 staff when he's making under under 100k with most of it going to his family??
I doubt any team can field 40 cars for academy... much less f1 cars... maybe 4 cars
wait a minute, so his only xp is just the academy try out at 18? no other racing?? im pretty sure thats already too late to try and making it in f1. as by then most of the kids already have a decade of experience starting from carting.
Really, this again?
Ya this is boring, him just steam rolling is not interesting... I'm out