



2021-11-15 BergabungGlobal



Membaca buku-buku

  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighs9 months ago
    Balas Einlion

    I see, I guess it's more like the other comment said about me not being the target audience. I don't and never really will agree with the whole sleeping around thing while agreeing to be in a harem, you know what you're signing up for when you agree, so you shouldn't really use that as an excuse to sleep around imo, even if it's "just" with other girls lol. I am sorry for this bringing out some unsavory comments towards you, like I said, none of it came from negativity on my end.

  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighs9 months ago
    Balas Einlion

    See? You always do this. There is even a line from your MC in this very fic stating that he feels that him and Mordred have "something" going on. You can't write your MCs thoughts out like that, and even show it being true somewhat by their actions, and then say "Well they never made it official, so it's not real". Do I need to type the details of every situation involving this uncomfortableness that I'm speaking of for you to finally see the similarities? I think the only relationship any of your MCs have had that only involves him and the other person is Vahn and Fenrir, I could be wrong on that part, but every other fml has shown themselves to be interested in other girls or at the very least others in the harem, and that's not even mentioning the fact that sometimes the MC shows no interest in them so they get with another dude, and then the MC is suddenly interested( the Mushoku summon and your OG) I don't remember the details of your OG that well, but pretty sure it involved hiring someone to do the deed with the girls because MC wasn't interested, and then he suddenly is. Sure it could happen, but it is definitely uncommon and is still uncomfortable to read about.

  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighs9 months ago
    Balas Einlion

    What difference does her fooling around with other women make? The people that say it's ok for a girl to sleep around with other women while being with a dude have double standards, because they will 100% get upset if she messes around with a dude. Sorry to tell you, but guy or girl makes no difference when it comes to sleeping around, because idk if you know this, but feelings can still develop between the same gender when they are messing around. You ALWAYS say that the girls aren't actually in a relationship with the MC yet when you add situations like this, but when the MC feels that they are, and the fml acts like a gf or wife, then they basically are. I've honestly been holding this in for a while, every time I noticed a new fic from you I would check it out, hoping the relationships would be clean and free from all of the unnecessarily uncomfortable stuff you tend to add, but you continue to do it in EVERY fic, even in your original novel. Drama? That's fine, relationships have that. Arguments? They have that too. They do NOT usually have the girl or guy going around sleeping with others without the other even being there. It' like the only way you know how to "spice" up relationships is to add some sort of triangle to it, and it just puzzles me why you continue to do it, even with all of the readers you lose due to it. Once again, this is not coming from a place of negativity. I genuinely think that you are a good writer, but you keep using similar situations for some of the relationships in all of your works, and it just frustrates me. Drake, Freya, that one summon in your Mushoku fic, the first fml in your OG novel, heck even Inko in your BNHA fic (They were both interested in each other and then you wrote her with AM), not to mention the whole yuri thing in that too. It's like you specifically need the fmls to sleep with other people before or even while being with the MC, it's almost as if the MC will not be interested until it happens. You can talk your way out of all of the above situations by saying they weren't technically with the MC, but the fact remains that it does make most of the readers uncomfortable when it happens, you know this, I know this, all of your readers know this. Yet you continue to add them in every single fic you make. I just can't comprehend why you don't try to change it up some. Sorry for this being so long, but as I said, it's been building up for a while.

  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighs9 months ago

    Same old Ein, same formula for his fanfics. The uncomfortable situations involving the MCs relationships still plague his work. It's like he refuses to write anything remotely wholesome and just makes all of the females extra h***y even when the MC isn't involved. I genuinely loved EPIC, except for a few useless situations involving the MCs girls, but it seems like Ein just refuses to evolve as a writer and sticks to the same formula, even when it doesn't work anymore. Just TRY something new, something wholesome, without all of the unnecessary relationship stuff involving MCs girls and other people, and see how many more NEW readers you draw in. You would probably have to do it on an alt though, since your name is now synonymous with the uncomfortable situations you enjoy putting your MC in. Oh well, I wasted enough time typing this out, yeet it or do whatever, I said what I wanted.

  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighsa year ago
    Balas Slothful_Player

    Idk how to explain it lol. I know what it is in my head, but I can't explain it properly ffs. I think it is explained pretty early in Terror Infinity though, around the first Alien movie? They may only explain the basics at that point though.

    Buku ini telah dihapus.
  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighs2 years ago

    Sigh.... Time to start my reread since I don't really remember the plot. Honestly didn't even know it was back to being updated until I scrolled through the mess that is my library. I really should remove some stuff.....

  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighs2 years ago
    Balas akira_kurokawa23

    ehh, did the author take it away from him in the rewrite? MC had it before the rewrite for sure, it helped him survive the attack from D. (I haven't read the rewrite yet, just came to check where it's at and if MC and Hori broke up)

  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighs2 years ago

    Nice, thanks for answering.

  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighs2 years ago

    Does this have extra chapters on ptreon? I'm about to reread and I don't wanna have to stop in the middle of a volume. I understand you wanting to focus on your original novel, so this isn't me complaining lol.

  • WraithsThighs
    WraithsThighs2 years ago
    Balas SpoiledSecrets

    I didn't assume that it would be though? Read my comment again. I said I wish authors would read the source material before writing, or at least not use fanon. Meaning they can use the anime if they want, just don't use knowledge that fans pulled out of nowhere . My bad for the beginning part of my other comment, I was kind of in a bad mood lol.