

2021-11-10 BergabungGlobal





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Path of the Noble : The Lonely Path to Supreme Strength

In a world where bravery meets treachery, Karna, a renowned warrior whose valor was only matched by his noble soul. Feared by enemies and revered by his people, Karna's life takes a tragic turn when he saves a child from certain death, unaware that the child is an assassin sent by his foes. Karna, exhausted from his wound, could have been saved. However, as he lay wounded, he witnessed enemy arrows hurtling toward him. In that heart-wrenching moment, he faced a dilemma: to dodge and let the child die or to shield the child with his own body, despite the child's earlier attempt on his life. His decision, an embodiment of his unwavering principles, leaves a legacy that echoes through the land. The thunderous roars of his people and their tearful farewells mark the end of a noble hero. On the other side of fate stands "Devilster," a man haunted by past regrets. Armed with boundless knowledge,he seeks to turn back time to when his family needed him the most ,when he was known with the name of "kaal crimson'' also named as the "curse of the crimson family" . When he saw Karna ,Despite being on the verge of his final moments, he wore a smile filled with pride—an awe-inspiring expression that sent shivers down one's spine. It was a sight that left Devilster both astonished and unable to recall ever encountering anyone quite like him. Before he could even find the words, Devilster exclaimed, "YOU .... ASSIST ME!" ********************************************************************************** In a dimly lit chamber, *Gasping for breath...* HUFF..!!...HUFF..!! "My head! ...AGHHH!...... This pain!" "Where on earth am I? *The ominous sound of chains...*CLANK*CLANK* "These restraints?" "Heh... Have I really stumbled into the abyss?"

Devil_ster · Fantasi
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3 Chs