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sell to system for good skills... simple
why make gold so cheap ? 60 gold for what 20 apples at most ? wtf.
im neutral on smut, however I hate ntr, phermones and mind control. .. the only fnk thing your Mc has done .... what a wasted wish too, for fk sakes you have 3 wishes and you wish for a system cool, then shitty pheromones and mind control ba, planeswalking , personal universe ... no thinks mind control and pheromones lol.
I hate phormones, ntr, and mind control , does mc have a thing for married women or something wtf, so many beauties and you pick the married ones
thats the worst, youbshould start wirh a million gold, you had pretty much 4 wishes .....
only differences i would want is bright silver eyes, elf ears, and the next level up in muscle mass, otherwise decent avatar.
in game sure but in new world, there wont be that limit.
well ya he respawns, he's an event boss so you can kill him as many times as you like, it may only be a 10% drop chance so farm that fker !
the one is the top vamp class, makes you an origin vamp would make more sence, so you would not be undead anymore, no longer hurt by sunlight, can eat normal food and does not require drinking of blood ect, also blood magic to the super tier ect ...
knowing it will all turn real you bet your azz you would collect everything you can and as many of each thing you can, and explore and enjoy as much as possible , I would have never choose a vampire but still it would be exciting each day to log in knowing this bit each day will benifit me greatly in 12 years.