

2021-10-06 BergabungGlobal





Membaca buku-buku


The Máfia Deception

Saori didn't consider herself a lucky person, everything she had achieved in her life had been based on hard work, but now as she sat on that couch with the laptop in her lap, she could consider herself a lucky person. She had found a "relationship" site that fit precisely her desired standards. "Sexlog.com was a site for those who only wanted sex for one night, nothing that involved feelings, just physical and sensual contact. It had been months since she'd had sex; the men she knew didn't just want sex, they wanted a relationship. And someone with a 70-hour shift really couldn't have a good, long-lasting relationship. It hadn't even been a few minutes since she had signed up on the site, and she had already received messages from some suitors, she was a beautiful woman with good curves and a charming smile, so she could select who interested her. But nothing had pleased her, middle-aged and bald men, some who looked like they came out of a movie, for sure fake profiles. After a good look at the site, she went back through the messages, and one so direct caught her attention. "Sex, yes or no She looked at the user's profile, the black-eyed beauty appealed to her, it could be a fake, but she was going to take a chance. " Yes" She sent it to him, however, little did she know what trouble she was getting into, Saito Yoshida would involve the young doctor in several of his problems, and the mafia doesn't usually leave cheap for anyone.

Sara_Skau · perkotaan
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2 Chs