Membaca buku-buku
After reading more than200 chapters of this work...Well overall it's not bad the writing quality and stability is good however the character development seems too be quite llacking in some aspects especially in the early chapters because the mc was technically like some of those heavens blessed on some cultivation novel that gets utterly destroyed by a badass anti-hero mc because he always chases after every women without thinking properly of the consequences and forces things to happen according to his whims and wishes just because he was some almighty powerhouse in his previous life Which I think IIs really quite idiotic at some point..
SOOO... basically it terribly lacks creativity me giving it 3 stars already seems too much for it ..well I hope it would improveimproves at some point...
Well....Overall the story was hmmmmm well good ...however the plot may seem unique because of titans stuff ..etc but thats all there is toit..everything becomes SO generic at this point like the some classic chinese novels and stuff sooo ...To be continued xD
Overall the story wasn't bad however the whole story line has so many sentimental nonsense going on making it so cringeee that it makes me sick, the story was also too generic however it was still a bit balanced at some point so it's still fine I guess....but the whole romance of the story feels like it was written by some old virgin ...*no offense author peacee xD* I just didn't like the whole ‘sort of’ love at first sight related stuff..
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I could say that over all...It's a good story to read but there are parts where everything was pretty messed up especially on the latest chapters where everything was full of schemes etc... which really makes the whole story round about confusing of some sorts if you won't read everything properly word per word ...
Overall I could say that the whole story is good and somehow interesting but the development of plot seems to have flaws for me and the updates are also quite long ...xD
I'm curious since I'm a harem xD