Membaca buku-buku
Reading a new novel after the exams are over is the best feeling and this novel especially have a lot of potential just not let it go to waste
being single and reading it on valentines day... hurts
ughh... those three are my nemesis!! (trigo, Integration and Differentiation)
bro if u know this much then u must also know that the only living member of senju was tsunade (after the great war)... so what are the senju sibling doing in the story
bruhhh.!!! i was reading it! i was on 44 chapter where izumi was confronted by orochimaru but u changed the sequences!! from where should i read! i am frustrated bro!
i see author have read the LN... Author you are the man of culture... I see
don't crumble it into a ball... burn it and make it disappear then sanitize your hands
sigh... what is the point of giving him alpha this and alpha that.... immature and hero complex... mc is disappointing