

2021-09-17 BergabungBrazil





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Tabletop Planet(Canceled)

WARNING! Lots of grammar errors, i don't even know how to writte my own home lenguage, so don't expect me to writte like a professional. WARNING 2!! The second prologue is pretty useless, and i just did it to make some drama, so if you're not here seeking to symoathize with the Protagonist or his objectives, i would recomend you to skip it . . Synopsis: Lewin was a Kid that suffered Bullying at school and had very negligent parents, so negligent that they didn't hold any feeling of love for each other. But one day when Lewin was taking care of the flower on his yard, he Found a red Cocoon the size of an apple laying there. The cocoon was almost completely damaged, it had cuts, scratches and all other kinds of things pierced through it's surface, and it seemed to be bleeding some kind of yellow liquid. Lewin saw the Cocoon and noticed it had some movements inside it, he took the cocoon inside and took care of it, after some time the cocoon started to recover, and when it was completely recovered it snapped, and formt he inside came a bealtiful red haired woman, The woman was an alien with supernatural powers that allowed her to create tiny planets and control what happened on it, but she was defeated by an unknown enemy, and now was on earth. The two got along really well, and their relationship soon became like Mother and son. but nothing can be perfect forever. Lewin still remembered that moment till this day, when with crying eyes he begged his Dying mother "Mother...... Please..... Don't go...." He said stretching his hand to the disappearing body of this mother, his true mother, not the bitch that gave life to him and forgot he existed. His mother was crying rivers at that moment, she also stretched her hand to touch him saying her last words "Sweet hearth.... I am sorry! She apologized as her body shattered into tiny speks of light. This is the history about a man that inherited his alien's mother Powers, and is evolving a whole civilization of magic and super power users to find someone that can bring his mother back from the dead!!

jemini_com_jota · Fantasi
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30 Chs