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Great job with this story. Finally a story about someone with the powers every red blooded male deep down wishes he had: the power to get beautiful girls. As well as the potential to develop more powers. And I’m glad that Lucy is the first girl to be claimed. Also I’m glad that they didn’t go all canon route (i.e. form Team Natsu, join Fairy Tail, bla bla). Have the protag and harem move to Magnolia, and then for him to meet all the girls one by one and take them over as part of his harem, all without ever having to set foot in Fairy Tail. While we’re at it, have him eventually travel to different guilds in Fiore and get all their hot girls. Hope to see this story updated soon. :) [img=update][img=recommend]
Like the idea of Spidey having a big bro. Also the idea of MCU style Aunt May being lust / love interest.
This story is pretty good and it has potential, but the writing could be better. Also the character is a bit too willing to kill other people, considering how terrified he was of possibly dying you would think he wouldn’t kill indiscriminately.