I like long walks on the corpses on my enemies and revelling in my own cringe
Membaca buku-buku
super broly is too busted went from being 120k played by base Goku to stomping H Golden Frieza like he was street trash
planet Vegeta is already 10 timez the gravity of earth adding that 20 times would be 200 times Earth's gravity even Vegeta couldn't handle 500 times until the later stages of the anime and dr briefs will probably have a hard time if he made a stronger gravity machine he needs 1 year so 20 times made in a shorter amount of time is probably better most people on planet Vegeta wouldn't be able to handle it anyway
don't need to worry about him yet his power level just 2
power level of 420k at first form
RIP broman
spoiler: he's own of the strongest viltrumites in the empire equal to thraggs generals
the strongest in JJK would beat the strongest in MHA but the most first grade sorcerer's and bellow are definitely getting wrecked
author keeps saying "he's holding back" which is dumb
not for example the one guy who can do anything as long as he considers it funny yuki who can adjust the mass of any object she can't even use it to it's full potential since it could cause a black hole gojo which can bend space and make something that doesn't exist "purple" both pulling and pushing force which compensates it's existence in reality by destroying everything on its way sukuna who's concept ability cleave capable of bypassing any defense mahito sould manipulation etc.