I am a bored reader, creater (Fan fiction), waiting for my favourite book(don't exist till now), do not believe in true love. Enjoy looking at fox tail and cat ear women(3d). I am " HIM " (High In Magic)
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just wanted to ask whether he just gained power there or even made some female friends
A heavy rain on the barren land of 18+ webnovel. looking forward to more chapters. I don't know if this is going to be a story filled with 18+ or just 18+. Happy with both, you can go in without hesitation.
beautiful women!!, From now on everyone you kill will be evil, the one's before will also be considered evil
plot deviation?!! No. This is insecurity about the girl, possiveness of the author.
chinese= 'white' godess, not western White, Asian white, just search some actress and you will understand. hairless face do make them kinda different but makeup is the key difference. too much makeup, beauty standard are very different
does he mean to say China is far behind us in moon landing. not meant to say facts, but him accepting it and also saying it was totally unexpected
I like this MC now, other MC would have started creating their own organisation by now. like how, normal MC weren't even company owner, now they became organisation leader somehow
isn't shield itself one of the biggest hydra hideout
I didn't read till last chapter while commenting, I now understand their friendship
when will His gut stop twisting