


Breathing dark fantasy for the sake of my survival.

2021-08-25 BergabungGlobal





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  • LukeLooksForYou
    LukeLooksForYou5 months ago
    Balas Kyen_Syr

    Yes, but only in another arc or two. I will write a summary of events for those who are not interested in reading and don't worry, I am *very* creative in this field.

  • LukeLooksForYou
    LukeLooksForYou6 months ago
    Balas LazyassSalted_Fish

    Don't worry! At least one chapter is released every day. You don't know how much your support means to me🫀

  • LukeLooksForYou
    LukeLooksForYou6 months ago
    Balas Nori_TheNoriEater

    The system is originally a woman, but the very fact that it is a system means that everyone dehumanizes her, including our main character. She is considered "it" and according to the regulations she is also supposed to call itself that, but sometimes it calls itself "she" by mistake. The only memory it has left after the erasure is the vague feeling that it is supposed to be a woman. Our main character is aware of the matter after she slipped her tongue in front of him and he chooses to quietly ignore it for now.

  • LukeLooksForYou
    LukeLooksForYou6 months ago

    Hey Guys! The author's here. This book is going to be ironic about topics that some people may find triggering, so I wouldn't recommend it to the faint of heart. Nevertheless, If anyone has a question about whether this or that will be in the story, you can comment below; I promise to answer all. Of course, that means spoiler alert, DO NOT read this thread if you don't want spoilers.

  • LukeLooksForYou
    LukeLooksForYou6 months ago

    Hi guys! thanks so much for reading this far! I've edited some of the old chapters (they were horrible looking back), so don't hesitate to read back if you see a different detail than you remember. Thank you so much for your support 😊

  • LukeLooksForYou
    LukeLooksForYou7 months ago

    Hi! I'm the author. Just want to warn you that the book is designed to have violent and sexual content. plus, there will be multiple love interests (but only one true love).

(BL) Quick Transmigration: I Want My Retirement Back!

One sentence summary: The obsessive master god makes up a job and countless fake worlds for our poor Xiao Xun to collect his soul pieces. "What? Your life is calculated by how unlucky you are?"  When Xiao Xun died at the age of 19 it dawned on him that the number of points he had accumulated in his life was a big fat minus, which allowed him to either erase his existence or work in a bureau- the special control squad for maintaining peace in the worlds, where he would receive points from people whose total points were high in exchange for fulfilling their wishes. After nine missions, he breathed a sigh of relief as his total points finally became positive , the retirement he was so looking forward to finally arrives! Wait, what's an inspector? You get an inflated salary regardless of the amount of work you do? On average, there is only one job in a few hundred years? No need to fulfill any wish, just find out the source of the error? Sold! Arc 1: The duke's neglected son × Monster of unknown origin. Arc 2: The failed and obsessive idol × Poor college kid. ★ The male lead has flawed logic and personality, which will be slowly fixed after several worlds. The main character is cold-hearted and sees no interests but his own, this too will be fixed after several worlds. The male lead has varying levels of yandereism, if you are interested in knowing which of the worlds has a low/high level of yandereness- ask me in the first comment.

LukeLooksForYou · LGBT+
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