Membaca buku-buku
Megan Derr is able to show the misery of being poor but also the creativeness of people who have to make do with very little. It is inspiring. The slow burn romance makes me squeal with anticipation and delight when everything finally fits into place. Her characters are people with flaws and that makes them more lovable and easier to relate to I just love her writing so much!
Argh!! Those brutes! 😡
Prejudice and misinformation.
Aaah! Koray is going to show them how amazing he is!
Aaaaah! They meet finally! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Megan Derr is one of the best LGBTQIA writers I know. Her world building is always fascinating and her characters are multidimensional and flawed which makes them feel so much more real. The stories are sometimes heart-wrenching but you can be reassured that she will give you a happy ending ♥️