Membaca buku-buku
Just pure NTR trash .... Don't read this shit there are plenty of other good manga out there.
Not going to lie this was pointless and trash chapter 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Trash utterly trash One of the worst self insert loser story out there ... Mc is garbage as he fucks with his own brothers girlfriend just for fun If mc dislikes thor then its okay but here he clearly thinks thor has a brother.
What a trash writer 🤮🤮🤮 This is not even the real loki and this self insert loser loki considers thor has his own brother and he did this 🤮🤮🤮
Boruto was already broken With this all cheat-like ability this fanfic turned into a joke 🤮🤮
Not going to lie this chapter was kind of trash I hope he wont be emo
And the cringe continues
The whole conversation was just pure cringe 🤮🤮
Average at best that all i could say about this fanfic The mc is annoying asf Each chapter for me was filled with just cringe Interaction with Diana was horrible for me Overall if you have bunch of free time feel free to read this fanfic But i won't recommend it
Cringe and dumb Thats all this chapter is 🤮🤮🤮