


I am Dyslexic 🤯😭🤡

2021-07-26 BergabungGermany





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  • Hugotimmy
    Balas itsyaboiZammy

    I have it is one of the best.

    "'Cuz I'm scared of dying!" Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. "Isn't the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!"
    A Will Eternal
    Fantasi Timur · Er Gen
  • Hugotimmy

    Finally someone who wants to become immortal and therfore cultivates immortality most do it for other reasons never seen someone who does it for its intended purpose🙌🏻😂

    "'Cuz I'm scared of dying!" Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. "Isn't the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!"
    A Will Eternal
    Fantasi Timur · Er Gen
  • Hugotimmy
    Balas Blue_drop

    Bro just fill the 3 liter one and put it in the 5 liter one and then fill the three liter again and make the five liter full and one liter remains in the 3 liter bucket. As easy as that.

    The man seized Lu Mingshu up, then said, "I can accept her." He then pointed towards the small pond to the side and continued, "there are two buckets over there. The larger can hold 5 litres, while the smaller one can hold 3 litres. You're to fetch me a litre of water without anyone's help, nor are you to use anything else."
    Phoenix Destiny
    Fantasi · Yun Ji
  • Hugotimmy

    The Dantian is usually two fingers below the naval

    The words seemed to pull at him, from places unknown. Unconsciously he turned to the next page and was met with a diagram of the human body in the lotus position with a map of the meridians. These meridians were without labels, the only thing that was labelled was the Dantian which was spherical in shape and sitting just above the naval.
    My Qi Keeps Resetting
    Fantasi · leeroycgna
  • Hugotimmy
    Balas RottenMouse

    Don’t get me started😂

    Mortals don't normally know much about the cultivation world, but everyone knew about the Blossoming Flowers. It was one of the five strongest sects in the entire world. I don't mean world as in… oh let's go further into the continent and find that there are more people stronger… I mean world as in the entire existence here.
    Oh No! I switched places with someone and my Mom became a Son-con!
    Fantasi Timur · Xuefang1
  • Hugotimmy

    Drunken Immortal Restaurant is the most impressive thing in all of the cultivation novels because it is in everyOne of them. Multiversal Franchise😂

    "Junior Brother, tomorrow at noon at the Drunken Immortal restaurant," Qi Yangbing whispered into Qin Huai's ear before he left.
    My Two-sided Cultivation: Starting From Collecting Experiences
    Fantasi Timur · The Swordman Loves Not Onion
  • Hugotimmy

    The pain of inflation 🥲 i feel you

    Everything was increasing, but his salary was not. The maidservants assigned to each room in the apothecary's backyard had also been dismissed. Also, more and more mountain bandits appeared on the way to deliver the medicine, and the price they demanded was different each time.
    My Two-sided Cultivation: Starting From Collecting Experiences
    Fantasi Timur · The Swordman Loves Not Onion
  • Hugotimmy
    Balas pikachu_boy

    No not yet. I just hadn’t time to write. I am in the Final stages of my apprenticeship so i got very little time.

    Ch 8 Flaming Sword
    The Last Angel System
    Fantasi · Hugotimmy
  • Hugotimmy
    Balas AquaClouds

    It is just a normal sword manual not specificn for the sword from her dad

    "It's a simple manual from when I was in the army and it has my notes and understandings about using the sword. This should help you, especially now that you have a sword of your own. Although this isn't some great martial art, Hopefully, it will aid you at the start of your journey," he said.
    Maiden Of The Splitting Moon
    Fantasi · ARGAS
  • Hugotimmy

    I mean if I was the sect leader I would take a Hard working disciple over one that is talented and arrogant. Arrogance only leads to failure in the end.

    The black-clad middle aged man had an icy look in his eyes. He slightly nodded while his eyes swept past the 11 unconscious teenagers.”Take the three that qualified and find work for them to do in the future. Send the 25 that gave up back to their families. As for the last 11 people, wait for them to wake up. Send them together to the house of the sword spirit to see if any of them have spiritual affinity with the sword spirit. If they don’t, send them home”
    Renegade Immortal
    Fantasi Timur · Er Gen
  • Hugotimmy

    Thats the point where I drop the Novel. I just hate Novels that give the MC the ability to hide everything that makes it in my opinion very boring.

    "For my third wish, I want to be completely invisible to anyone seeking me through the force and hide my connection with the force near other force users," I told God my third and final wish.
    The Light that shall shine upon the Star Wars Galaxy
    Fantasi · Unholy_Student
  • Hugotimmy
    Balas Karras_Raven

    Thanks Karras as soon as I have more Time new Chapters will come.

    The Last Angel System
    Fantasi · Hugotimmy
  • Hugotimmy

    Jesus aint a God. He is the son of God.

    Nexus Point Chronicles
    Sci-fi · Anone
  • Hugotimmy
    Balas AnIdiotic_Genius

    Yes you’re right he had ambitions and I never said he or Germany weren’t at fault. I am saying everyone was at Fault because nobody truly tried to evade that war everyone let it escalate. Germany wanted more colonies. England wanted to destroy the biggest threat to their hegemony. And France wanted revenge for the Humiliation of declaring the german empire in Versailles.

      Although Einstein opposed the monarchy, in the past ten years, he saw clearly the incompetence of the government and the incompetence of the common people, this made a little change in his concept. The German people are still living in dire straits, far worse than during the reign of William II. And recently there are rumors everywhere that if Germany restores the emperor system, the situation may be much better. Einstein was not disgusted with such rumors. He thought that if William II could completely abandon his crazy ambition to conquer the world and concentrate on governing Germany, the situation in Germany might really improve a lot.
    My German Empire
    Sejarah · NeonLights
  • Hugotimmy

    So thats why she always takes so long to get to the counter😂

    Duan Ke soon appeared in what looked to be an enormous courtyard. There were elaborate ponds, rivers, streams, and fake mountains. Intricately designed bridges spanned over the rivers and streams. Beautiful and charming fishes could be seen swimming in the water.
    Walker Of The Worlds
    Fantasi Timur · Grand_Void_Daoist
  • Hugotimmy

    Karras my friend. It‘s great that you turn our Idea into writen form. 👍🏻 For those who want to read it. It is about 4 Apocalypses from 4 Different Mythologys happening at the same time. Everything falling together clashing the different worlds. Which results into different cultures and Gods clashing against each other. And somehow managing the danger, the apocalypse from their mytholgy brings, together

    Myth's End
    Fantasi · Karras_Raven
  • Hugotimmy

    The Farm:

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasi · Aero182
  • Hugotimmy

    Dark Souls moment.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasi · Aero182
  • Hugotimmy
    Balas Crown_will

    Ever heard of charakter development? At the moment he is Naiv and tells himself he will not raise humans. As the Joker said: „ You see, their morals, their Code, it’s a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble.“

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasi · Aero182
  • Hugotimmy

    Ah yes enjoying the scenery with my eyes closed. My favourite hobby.😂

    Standing next to the young woman, Ye Futian snuck a glance at her, but it seemed she had not taken notice of him. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the serenity.
    The Legend of Futian
    Fantasi Timur · Jing Wuhen