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likely a "bonus" for doing the whole month without missing a day and likely resets every new month
wtf? only 30? o wait its the monthly check in bonus for doing the whole month i think
ya know i just realized this but tang san has to be just standing or sitting there and doing nothing but watching the entire time since 1 day up there is 1 year down on douluo realm
neither tang wutong or after tang san revived her as a zombie basically after killing her and her reincarnations of wang donger and quier interest me. donger and quier on the other hand? yes
too late for that he already killed her once and split her soul apart
pretty sure her dislike to soul tools was because of tang san controlling the other part of tang wutongs soul or he has a divine consciousness inside her body to control her but im not sure which i think he has one in her body though
tang wutong is but wang donger wasnt she mellowed out later. you forget he killed tang wutong and split her soul into 3 wang donger is essentially tang wutongs reincarnation
wait.... what? i stopped reading it did he actually do that? thats news to me