

2021-07-10 BergabungUnited States



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  • nvanattia

    So, is it common for people to walk around with drones hovering around them and going into places with them?

    After dinner, Yan Fei went to the neighboring exercise room to familiarize himself with the sudden surge of strength within his body. He struggled with control because this power emerged abruptly, not knowing his own strength during cooking and ending up breaking several bowls. He needed to quickly master his transformed physique to utilize this newfound power effectively rather than let it become a hindrance.
    Super Invincible Battleship
    Sci-fi · Diving Fish Out to Sea
  • nvanattia

    I would be so disoriented if I suddenly had a second point of view in my mind and could change between them.

    Yan Fei suspended the drone in the air and observed it carefully, while the drone avatar used its HD Camera to watch over Yan Fei's body. In Yan Fei's mind, there appeared two images: one from the drone's camera and one from his own eyes. With a single thought, the main perspective switched to the drone avatar; in the HD Camera, his body was curiously watching the drone, the image crystal clear. Never before had he observed himself so carefully – the top of his head, the back of his skull, and his back, which were normally unseen in a mirror, were all clearly visible. With another thought, the main perspective quickly switched back to his body, and he saw the drone hovering in front of him.
    Super Invincible Battleship
    Sci-fi · Diving Fish Out to Sea
  • nvanattia

    Avatar for what? I mean we are a couple of paragraphs in and it is already confusing.

    Earlier, Yan Fei had ordered the most affordable Dakong brand drone online. The drone arrived at his home swiftly. After Yan Fei signed for it and opened the package, he accidentally tripped, hit his head on the drone, and passed out. When he woke up, he found that the drone had become his avatar.
    Super Invincible Battleship
    Sci-fi · Diving Fish Out to Sea
  • nvanattia
    Balas Darknull

    Does it stop repeating chapters? Starting at the end of the 600s every other chapter is repeated and you are constantly missing whole chapters.

    The World Online
    Game · Sheng Xiao Jian Ke
  • nvanattia
    Balas BlueCactusE

    The MC was locked in the cage for a week and the lady was gone, so who could have tended to the fire during that time? Sure he left to go back to his world for a bit, but that doesn't change how long she was gone for in that world.

    There were still some flames in the wood at the fireplace, and while the light from the flames was dim, it was enough to view the corpse.
    The Moonlight Swordsman
    Fantasi · Mahaksh
  • nvanattia
    Balas MiuNovels

    Well, I am up to Chapter 271 and the issues are still occurring, so the editor must not be doing too good of a job. We can also add ire to the list as you constantly use eerie instead of ire.

    MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
    Game · MiuNovels
  • nvanattia

    The novel is a fairly decent read. The quality of the writing is kind of what holds me back from enjoying it. There are 2 words that the author apparently interchange improperly. The first being petty. The MC returns and is a very petty person, but the author keeps calling him pity instead. The same usage goes for other parts of the story like describing how groups of people are fighting over "pity" things...The second one is invisible. For some reason the author likes to use invincible in place of invisible. One of the most common tines you see this is when someone gives themselves an "invincible" pat on the back for doing something. Add in very atrocious gender swaps when referring to he/she and her/him in passages and it can be quite difficult to read.It is kind of sad, because it could be a very enjoyable book if it was cleared up.Also, the FP charges will got to 2 per chapter at times which is a deal breaker for me. I know that it isn't necessarily the author's fault, but paying more for already overpriced chapters is not something I will do.Good luck to those who continue to read it though.

    MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
    Game · MiuNovels
  • nvanattia

    She did warn you that you could have to face a crazy challenge

    "Hey, Miss Higher Existence." Bai Zemin couldn't help but look at Lilith and ask with a frown, "What's up with this? How can I possibly be given a crazy mission like that?"
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    Wouldn't Chen He be better suited to stay back with the group since he is a long range attacker and can cover more people?

    Because there were only a few people to protect so many, the group had no choice but to move slowly as Chen He and Fu Xuefeng went ahead to clear out any straggling zombies that may have sneaked in. Although they had already cleared the area, there was a possibility that some new infected would appear in the vicinity.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    Can we keep her and drop Chen He?

    "Isn't that obvious?" Wu Yijun chuckled softly and while looking at the now empty corridor said slowly, "It's because he knows that if Bing Xue agrees to something then you will too. Easy, isn't it?"
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia
    Balas Prince_Nuada

    The title kind of gives it away

    Now that he had some strength to face creatures of First Order and was no longer devoid of means like when he fought against the Blazing Beetle, Bai Zemin planned to get out of the university as soon as possible.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    By walking away... It isn't like you were paying attention to him so that he would have to be sneaky...

    "Uh? Now that you mention it..." Chen He blinked and looked at the surroundings dumbfounded as he said, "Wasn't he just behind us a few minutes ago? How did he suddenly disappear?"
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    Then why not just nuke the zombies now?

    If she, the most beloved granddaughter of the second most powerful man in all of China, suffered any backlash; if the army managed to overcome this tribulation and the Central Government remained standing, the whole country would probably be shaken by the wrath of the Wu Family... Even launching nuclear warheads on the zombies was not impossible!
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    Alright everyone, roll!!! lol

    A Red Orb equivalent to a Normal grade Treasure, a Orange Orb equivalent to a Rare grade Treasure, and a Yellow Orb equivalent to a Magic grade Treasure.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    Maybe if you used your stat points...

    Even Bai Zemin who was the fastest of the group did not have the ability to close such a large distance in such a short time as he would need at least a second or two more.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    Sure, let's keep pushing the blood manipulation and risk killing yourself instead of boosting your Agility and being able to catch up and potentially kill your opponent. That sounds right.

    "Stop it! We can't let it slip away from us!" Bai Zemin gritted his teeth and pushed his speed to the limit. Although he still had status points free and could add them to Agility at any time, unless extremely necessary he wasn't willing to waste them so casually.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    How does a zombie with no beating heart or flowing blood have blood shot eyes???

    Liang Peng's face turned white like a cartoon ghost. Seeing those bloodshot eyes staring at him with murderous intent brimming over, Liang Peng's last thought was that his life was over.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    So he somehow heard this "arrow" being shot from another building through a wall and closed windows?

    The piercing sound of the howling wind reached Bai Zemin's ears from the first moment the ice stake had left the bowstring's bow. Immediately and without delay he pressed the blades of the evolved zombie down with all his might; instead of sending it flying like the previous times, this time his aim was to do his best to keep it firmly in place without allowing it to move.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    So you thought that you could put your body's endocrine system into overdrive for a long period of time without any consequences?

    What is this all about...? The evolved zombie hadn't even been able to hit him once, how was he suddenly bleeding? Furthermore, his veins suddenly began to feel extremely hot as if instead of blood, burning lava was running inside it!
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • nvanattia

    Have they gotten stronger since the beginning, or is this just the typical excessive alliteration that authors use? This effect didn't happen with the initial attacks.

    The floor cracked and the window panes were crushed by the shockwave caused by the collision between the Xuanyuan Sword and the two sharp blades of the evolved zombie.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN