Membaca buku-buku
meh just skipped a couple vhaoters to see and it feels like the books gone downhill, would be nice if he could lure ghe great demons to attack.
whos little pool
kilomoters or meters? becos a fearless batrleship is only like 100k
they will sense the teleportatipn rituals
loool but the author sucks with the missing paragraphs
wheres the damn missing words, this is getting annoying
when did it appear, i hate these missing chapters and words
missing words and chaoters once again
ahouldve gone all out from the beginning instead of delaying and tryna look cool, should have sacrificed some damage to directly put the crystal in ghe demons body and blow it up
seriously did he tell her he owns the secret realm!? sometimes the author isnt clear. did he tell her his a member or he owns it