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Penasaran sumpah... Lanjutin ya!!!!![img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
Suka banget sama cerita ini, cerita yang membuat orang-orang yang ingin bunuh diri, justru berusaha untuk bertahan hidup dan berjuang agar tidak terbunuh. [img=recommend]
I highly recommend this book for those of you who like adventure. I'm not sure if Minchan is lucky or otherwise, when he goes through all these weird thing. Can't wait for it [img=recommend][img=update]
Love this one... Good story, how did abriella go through that? Was it because she witnessed the suicied? I can't wait to find out how it ends. [img=update]
Oh, i really like this novel. This is a good novel! I will waiting for the next chapter, cheer up for you. I very corious about lucas and the other stars. Will lucas meet all of them?