A mere mortal mongral who dares to look at me...? Interesting...surprise me, for I am not dumb like my other unworthy halves, if you die too quickly I will go to Kur myself...Enuma Elish
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If its not know than you cant rank it. So ofc will it have a "-" But if a skill or NP is just to weak to be ranked, or to strong than its EX like I said. EX doesnt mean its above A. Its just above the ranking system. Like you dont have EX+ or EX- its just EX, with no limit of how strong/weak it could be, just unrankable. But not "-"
could he summon a raptor, or just something small like a bird? I mean, why shouldnt he be able to summon one, as long as he uses enough mana? Imagen a Indoraptor as his "pet"
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Work together with lockdown, befriend him and you have you personal headhunter
Unlimited blade works but with more weapons
calculus isnt hard, just "much" to write
Just buy other companies. tencent, nestle, cola, microsoft, sony.... Buy em and you are basicly the king of the world. Litterally, you could control what entire continents consume. What they drink, eat, watch, play and so on.
A multiplier only works, if the thing he wanna learn can be multiplied. If it is something to conceptual like time or space, or something like infinity his "system" would not do shit. Not to speak of the beings casually chilling above this things.
We have a fanfic, chances for mesopotamia to still exist are high. So lets start the "lets befriend ourselfs with mesopotamia" run. 1. Prey to Ereshkigal, Ishtar or whoever you want (Enki, Ninsun just some god(ess)) 2. Use your system to stack the believe you give em, so 1 Minute of preying would be 100, do it often and long so they will notice you. 3. Befriend them, and continue, maybe learn magic from em. 4. Join the pantheon as human 5. Befriend Gilgamesh 6. Live a happy live without having rias near yo with cool gods and a warm climate :)
Wait. I kinda am interested in a fate zombie apocalypse lol
EX means its to strong to be messured. or to weak to be in one of the tiers. Or in easy, EX doesnt mean its strong, it can be EX weak too.