


Life is an adventure you never know where you journey may lead - me

2021-05-25 JoinedUnited States



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Black wedding

Bound by honor but ruled by fate.. Everything is by chance when love is involved. A kingdom’s fate and peace hangs upon her shoulder’s. Will she chose the in boundless love that spanned centuries or eternal peace? The King has decreed that all bachelors and spinsters in every kingdom . must marry before the next full moon which is in two days . That decree included that the king's willful and rebellious daughter; Aurora also marry. Aurora’s mourning period for her mother’s death has now ended . She has no more excuses she is now required to wed. Even though she her obligation as a princess is enter into a loveless marriage for her country's sake. Aurora would rather die than to be in a loveless marriage . She soon arose to with a plan to get elude /rid of the four “pompous peacocks” suitors. Her plan is going better than she had ever dreamed of until she meets a the illustrious rouge Princes . They all posses a smooth tongue and hypnotizing eyes. only one suitor that that doesn't fall for her tricks and doesn't scare away easily. Can she fool him as she has fooled her father and all the mystical court or will he win her rebellious heart? Everything takes a sudden turn when the suitor one by one experience unexplained accidents. All fingers are now pointed at her. Tension within the realm thickens as With war on the horizon. Aurora finds out that the secrets of the past will surface and change the future forever .can she get over the secrets that everyone in the kingdom tried to bury along with her dead mother? Can auroura save the kingdom she loves so much or will it crumble around her.

Lulugreg · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Wickedly Betrothed

Why do have to be so evil ?? I scream I wish I could answer that question ..Xavier said coldly as he walked away from the festivities toward the veranda . “Everything happens for a reason ..why it have to be you ?” I screamed as tears streamed down my face . “I’m sorry echo I just wanted to protect you from the harsh realities of this world.”Xavier clinched his fists at the thought her inevitable pain . If that’s the case ...Can you protect me from you ? I snapped as I furiously whipped away the tears shed I can’t do that your my destiny .. we were fated at birth . And you believe what you just said given the fact you lied to my face on a daily basis .i don’t know what to call you Xavier or Blake . Whatever you want to be called I hate you for ... making me care for you .. ———————————- End of excerpt: ——————————- Synopsis: At a young age Echo Delaney realized that life was not all sunshine and rainbows . . When she meets a mysterious man in her hospital lobby . Her analytical and routine life will be turned upside down . After discovering she is the "long-lost princess "of a war stricken land . The only way for the war to end is to marry .echo has to make the ultimate choice she will protect her land or her heart at any and all costs . Even if echo is betrothed at birth to rebellious fae prince Xavier. who wants nothing to do with her or the crown. Once Echo Delaney goes through the outer land portal. leaving her well- planned life and everything she has ever known in the mortal realm. She is thrust into xavier’s world of regal grand balls, sporting events and lavish dinners . cutthroat royal court where lies are abundant ,backstabbing is a norm ,and friendship is semi non existent . With every twist and turn she in this whirl wind if greed , lust, and power.First she has to help Xavier find his half brothers in the mortal realm .which will not be an easy feat due to their rebellious nature. Can she figure out a way to protect her people before her upcoming coronation? Will she live to see her coronation with the all the failed attempts upon her life.will her savior be the one who hurts her more in the end?

Lulugreg · Fantasy
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12 Chs