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I dropped it at chapter 138.I couldn't keep up with the story.I had high hopes about this novel but I think author wanted to make it speacial with so many povs and future past was meaningless to me.if novel had like 1 diff pov every 10-15chapter or 1-2 future past every 20-30 chapter it was okey but after chapter 80 it's every chapter or every 2 chapter.I forgot what mc was doing what was his goal where he was going etc.and got bored.
I kinda love this novel but couldn't understand why novel has so many chapters cuz mc is really getting stronger fast.but after chapter 80 now I understand very much.cuz after that story goes back in time and forward.constantly changes pov. if there're 2 chapter mc's pov 2 chapter must have another persons pov or diff timeline.SPOİLER and how can a river made him go sooo far away from his homeland.river took him kingdoms away from his home.couldn't got back home by flying.he decided to do some side work then after 2 years he wanted to go back,did not take a day to go there.SPOİLER I kinda tired to read back in time chapters.Author says it's importent for later but it's not related to what's happening previus chap.if he wants to write those back in time parts for someone in the future or someplace in the future he could write it after he introduce it.
if I remember corrct. maid said it will be unlock at level 20
so he had 1850 points 4000points.bought 2000point order of thunder+2000points fusuon of order+600 points(or 800points dont remember) order of fire.and after all this he still got 1850 points. math aint mathnig
I dont understand.he got 10xmana gathering or something god tier.shouldn't he culcivate to level up or does it make him get more xp from monster he kills.and why don't we see how much xp he needs or has.I dont like this kinda novels that mc's level dont make sense we are at authors mercy.[img=angry]
ı don't understand how he doesn't have more points.cuz in his first war he got 100points and if he got stronger and been throu more wars he would get more points each would increase.
so this novel has 1500+episode and completed.I did not finish it nor will finish it cuz I dont have enough money to buy 1500chapter.but I'll rewiev 40free chapter and 23chapter that I read pirate(63chapter total).I wish I could read all of them but if you have money to read them all, I would recommend is smart and knows what he's doing.I still dont understand the power dynamics of the world.cuz there are no levels so far(like level 1 warrior/warlock or beginner warrior/warlock).so I dont undestand how powerfull he is but I know he's powerful.yeah that's all.
okay so far I kinda like it. I'll only tell's not hard to make fall in love with him unlike mc tell.There are so many girls that hard to keep up with them.bc so many relationships and he's trying to go for everyone at the same time.Idk how this is going to end up harem cuz most girls wants mc to themselves. and it has kinda slow pace.
I don't really understand why is he making foreplay longer? I mean....