Membaca buku-buku
God damn it. You would think a insert/reincarnate would know better than this prophecy bs.
It sounds like the natives are in the right. It would be bad optics if the Jedi suppressed this.
I must admit that I am not greatly fond of this tell, description style of moving the fiction foward. Though, I suspect it was only a setup so hopefully it will be fun soon.
I wonder how often this is used and how many of the Jedi find this memory bitter when they are rejected as a knight.
It could have been written better but the idea of the immune system fighting of those Midi-chlorians is a fascinating idea especially if he could keep samples around to weaponise it against sith and Jedi.
Want to be my god? Pineapple on pizza is peak.
This dude was probably a reddit mod. I wonder if he will attempt to ban god from a Christian subreddit for this.
Cringe. My poor soul was harmed by this.
Thanks for the chapter! It was interesting that Grindelwald could sense him.
I would imagine a really persistent person could program something simple within raw binary assuming that the opcodes needed are documented. I have no idea how well amd and intel do that these days.