Writing to write. :) Currently updating Sorceror...Cyborg??? Discord: https://discord.gg/9V7Umgvy3p Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/very_yellow_newt Appreciate all feedback and comments.
Membaca buku-buku
whoops! Thanks for that.
Hello i_love_magic I really appreciate you coming back and leaving this kind comment. I would like to say however, that many of the criticisms raised by yourself and other readers are valid. To be completely honest, most of the time I agree with them. This novel was the very first thing I've ever written, and thanks to this, the early chapters are very weak. I appreciate any and all feedback, thoughts and criticisms left behind, since they are what has allowed me to be improve as a writer. Thanks :)
Hello, author here! This novel is my attempt at writing a normal person type of MC, who'll gradually grow stronger and more resilient, both in his physical abilities and his mentality. If you're into seeing a realistic person interacting with a fantasy world, which has cyborgs, mutants and those with supernatural powers, check this novel out!
Thank you! Have you seen The Gene Wizard yet?
thank u
His nickname :)
On the breastplate? Yes, it's a side profile... I should have been clearer