Swedish construction and blueprint worker. I am 203 cm tall, 23 years old. brown hair, blue eyes and pale white skin and beard. I like games and litterature during the sparetime as otherthings.
Membaca buku-buku
A long time to live with the mother.
Nah this is from MechWarrior 5 mercs there is also Mechwarriors online from 2013. I remember in 2002 when I was 5 years old, I played Mech Warriors 3 and 4 with a joystick and the top down-shooter battletech command from the 1990's.
This is a image I used an AI to generate. This is a primaris marine ultramarine. This is how i imagine Maxiumus looks like.
As both Sebastian and Raxor are primaris, their reaction speed would be higher than a firstborn thousand son, but when warp magic comes in i guess it evens the fight. They either need a physker on their own or a culexus assasin or a sister of silence.
does he have this impressive Judo skill he had in the first version of the story? And the hawkeye like precision he has when he shoots.
I see, this story is here too, was reading this on Spacebattles.
The mk X tacticus did not come in production until after 999.M41. That kayaan knows of the primaris mk X in what I guess is in M31? He is a first borne, during the horus heresy the mk VI was the latest power armor.
Im reporting this as abuse.
ahh, I see.
The jedi will ask were the blaster marks are.