

2021-04-06 BergabungGlobal



Membaca buku-buku

  • Drew_Paroz
    Drew_Paroza year ago
    Balas IllusoryZephyr


  • Drew_Paroz
    Drew_Paroz2 years ago
  • Drew_Paroz
    Drew_Paroz2 years ago

    I am liking this book, but the quest and repeat exact text of the quest every chapter is such a word suck, I am worried about paid chapters as it is a lot of coins for literal copy + paste

  • Drew_Paroz
    Drew_Paroz2 years ago

    Overall, I did not like the book as the FML(?) is a sadistic manipulator of the ML. I came here from the author's other book which I really enjoy [go read that], but I cannot handle this new one. The author is all over chapter comments defending the the FML, but if every chapter you need to rush to the defense of a character saying "you will get it if you read a bunch more chapters" it really does not sell this novel well. Good: 1) Consistent updates and engaged creator 2) No grammar errors and good prose makes it easy to understand the setting Bad: 1) ML allows himself to be jerked around by an awful FML 2) FML enjoying ML's suffering 3) how frequent the author mentions breasts in a roundabout way like twin peaks doing X or her curves just existing 4) this is a personal preference, but the book appears to me to a highly keep reading and it will make more sense one versus things add up as you go which is again a perfectly acceptable genre/type, just not for me 5) [being unfair] distracts from author's other book which I really enjoy

  • Drew_Paroz
    Drew_Paroz2 years ago
    Balas Sinful_Cyanide

    agreed she is sadistic and straight evil person. I really liked the author's other book, this is just is not fun

  • Drew_Paroz
    Drew_Paroz2 years ago

    I am officially dropping here [I know it is not an airport, still announcing my departure]. The most used text in this novel is he refused help. His behavior is directly hurting himself and his sister. He is supposed to be smart, but all he really is an amazing arrogant child who takes his toys away and goes home

  • Drew_Paroz
    Drew_Paroz2 years ago

    at this junction is that really even an accurate statement? He just said he was a part time worker and has given up on being a doctor, but somehow he just needs a little bit of time to strike it rich?

  • Drew_Paroz
    Drew_Paroz2 years ago

    Overall, the book has a decent start [review as of chapter 70]. Below I have my take on good and bad. Author, thank you for taking the time to create! Good: 1) Fights are well described and easy to visualize 2) Author does a good job of showing when MC is being smart and when he just thinks he is being smart 3) Best friend character is not "Fatty*" [seriously this is worth a whole star] 4) So far, his motivations are not due to any annoying tropes like sick family, unreasonable desire for revenge, kidnapping, etc., which I find to be an amazing deviation for usual Bad: 1) His parents really, really suck. Now you might say that since they are shown that they care about the MC they are good parents, but they did absolutely nothing to train him. In a world where power is everything, going to a good school requires being a good fighter, they refused to train him. If that is not neglect, I do not know what is. They are actively risking his life for no reason. MAYBE, the 4 star general dad had an excuse that he could not personally do it since he was busy, but they are rich enough and have powerful friends, I am sure they could find someone to help. During a training arc, someone has to explain basic, crucial terms to him. He was not even told what things mean, I mean how awful can you be that you cannot even provide your son a glossary. 2) To me, it is/was a mystery how strong each of the commandments are. Let alone what happens when you switch. So far, we know you can get new abilities, increase talent etc., but that was not explained at once, it took like 40 chapters for definitions of power to make any sense. There are characters described as being 2nd commandment fighters. Okay, so, is that strong, middle level, apex power? That is not at all clear during my read through until later chapters. 3) This might be just me, so not as strong as #1, but the MC gets mad at every little thing. "If I wasnt hiding my powers I could beat you!!!!!!!!1111!!!!" Truth is, he cant. The MC is too big for his breaches which is fine in a weak to strong type MC, but he keeps getting beat down and never learns his lesson, makes it seem like he is throwing a temper tantrum that someone who is 2 whole levels higher than him, is in fact stronger. 4) The author keeps referencing some "big event" in the past. I get it can be part of the story later and helps to define personalities and interactions of your main cast and chapter 70 in a webnovel can be just the beginning. But it comes up too often for all these vague terms in conversations to make sense. When your aunt and mom privately talk about sometime important, they would not likely talk about "the incident", they would just say what it was. 3 star general Mom has likely seen a lot of stuff, so her life probably has more than one important event, so calling 1 thing THE incident, just irks me more than is rational.

  • Drew_Paroz
    Drew_Paroz2 years ago

    This really makes no sense. His weapon cannot even damage enemies anymore and he is wasting money on knowledge