Membaca buku-buku
i simply assumed it did
spirit magic
an hour long cab ride would be ridiculously expensive haha
the uniform should have his last name and unit, should be pretty easy to identify him with a little bit of research
this is rather impressive considering just how much work service academies entail
considering it's extremely difficult to make it through the academy without making a single friend, as you suffer along with your brothers and sisters in arms almost every day, with an attitude like this i can see why no one likes this guy 😂
considering the lack of women at service academies (the AF has the most to no one's surprise) this is highly accurate
"five and dive" as we call it, is actually quite common (five years of active duty service... we don't count the reserve time as actual service time)
i forgot the most important part! at least when i was attending one of the service academies (recently), the first year was mostly surrounding military history, the broad breakdown of military strategy, and of course the plethora of core classes. of course, they briefly touch on unconventional warfare, but you'd need to major in military strategy to really get into the nitty gritty. As a military, we adapted surprisingly well to an unconventional conflict, but the strategy itself was flawed, not in so much in our tactics and capabilities (we do abide by the geneva conventions, after all... most of the time)
i like how even with limited knowledge on West Point, you've definitely been able to grasp the kind of education there! The first year at West Point is of legendary difficulty, new cadets are called "Plebes" and exist under a very strict regimen that most consider spartan or in-humane. many under estimate the difficulty, zent if you have the chance you should definitely look into it. the library is historically not so much a study spot, and more a refuge for plebes to escape and retain a bit of their humanity