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Wow thank you so much !🥺💜💜 g
Wow this story is very VERY interesting. Love your writing style and the characters - the story line seems pretty unique😭👏 cant wait to see where this goes ! Good luck autho—keep writing 💜🥳
Okay this gives me majorrr Bridgerton vibes aand I AM LIVING FOR IT 😭👏 So nice to know i can read this until season two comes out haha love your writing style and dialogue tags - pretty well done 😏 and omg LORD Arnold !!! I need to knkw more about him. excited to read the rest! Keep wrting more and good luck author :)))
Wow thank you😭🥺💜 so happy you enjoyed it! And ofc ive got much more stories coming :) You can follow me on Instagram to keep up with the new WIP - @maddjadefantasies_
Aw thank you! Im so glad you think its interesting😌 hope you enjoy the rest of the story !
Aww wow 😳 Thanks so much for the praise so glad you love it 😉💜
A very intriguing synopsis! love that and Jane Randall’s character seems interesting and relatable. Sebastian seems super mysterious excited to see how he is further involved in the storh. You have great potenTial for writing . keep it up and good luck author 💜😌
The start was super sad but i was so enraptured by the story😭 Excited to see how the story unfolds for Patooin now that pchichit is in his life :)))
Woah thanks for the high praise means a lot🥺💜💜 hope you enjoy the rest of the story!