Hehe......Holla everyone. How are you all being? I am your Author An'ran. I actually wanted to try some different concept so wrote my first novel named "The Lighted Lantern (Arelins)". Please Support
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Just what to say about this novel...I just don't have words. The plot,characters development and all the things needed in a novel are all here. Huhu...so nice. Excellent I promote you all to read it. ^^*TT. Loved it.
Something real different ><.
Thankyou so much dear reader. Thankyou really.
Just what to say about this novel...I just don't have words. The plot,characters development and all the things needed in a novel are all here. Huhu...so nice. Excellent I promote you all to read it. ^^*TT. Loved it.
Badge Annran Just what to say about this novel...I just don't have words. The plot,characters development and all the things needed in a novel are all here. Huhu...so nice. Excellent I promote you all to read it. ^^*TT. Loved it.
Thanks a lot dear reader><.
Thanks a lot dear reader ^^.