I have many paths I can take for my future, maybe writing will be one of them.
Membaca buku-buku
I mean... I found the USB stick thankfully, but I've had lots of stress in my life as well as college starting, so I haven't had any free time at all. I've not dropped the story as I'd already spent 2+ years writing it before posting it here, but it'll just take a while. I've written most of the next chapter, I just can't find the words to finish it, and as I said, I don't have the time nor calm state of mind to figure it out. Apologies for the delay
Nope, I've been searching for a while now to find the USB stick (with assistance) and only just found it 2 days ago in the first place I checked and clearly missed. I've already started writing the next chapter now that I have the plans 🙂
I have a written out plan for this book somewhere on a USB stick. I don't have it with me, but I'll find it. All of this story I imagined 2-3 years ago when I first got into Discord, so there's plenty of backstory for Holly, though she's changed a lot as a character out of book writing since I started this story so I'll probably include some additional stories once I've finished the canon backstory
I'll try to get the motivation to write a bit more