


Fuck coffee and tea, I am a goblin that runs off of pure spite for my characters. "Oh, you've made my mother abusive and permanently scarred me. Give it your best shot." DEM'S FIGHTING WORDS!

2021-01-20 BergabungUnited States





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  • Clueless59
    Balas Harley_Quince

    It is perfectly healthy for 11 year olds to have crushes. Statements that make me sound like a pediphile aside, I did not want to have any mention of anything remotely related to romance in book 1. The only reason I included it was because people really wanted to know what type of romance there would be in the future. I didn’t want to respond (mainly because I hadn’t decided yet) but eventually said she was bi. I responded to the comment but felt weird for that being the only way a reader would see what her sexuality was for a few books, so I put this in. In hindsight, there were better ways to do it rather then talking about an 11 year olds curves and a 13 year old shirtless. the more I think about this the more icky it feels. I will now be deleting that section.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
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  • Clueless59
    Balas Zubzas
    The uniform consists of a grey knee-high skirt, button-up long-sleeved white blouse, grey sweater with a V-neck low enough to see the black tie, and a black cloak with a hood. I slip my wand into my shoulder wand holster that I bought a little bit ago. Guarding the door, I put my mask back on. A silent yawn escapes me as I exit the bathroom. I didn't get much sleep last night due to the nightmare I tried to avoid.
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas PrimalWhiteStar

    I've had a lot of readers confused about this ending, and I didn't exactly explain it the best. I'm currently working on adding more of an explanation to that chapter.

    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas Mr_H3nt1

    I have thought about that and I'm not going to deny it but as to will it ever happen... Why are you asking me? That's for future me to handle.

    It's not like it was any worse than the spells that hit me when I miss-timed the Shield Charm, I think, looking down at my torn uniform and bandaged hand. Although I do think that I'll go with using Shield Charms, considering that I've gotten the hang of the timing and absorbing a spell doesn't completely nullify it and just weakens the effects.
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas Mr_H3nt1

    I am going to regret this at some point and I know it.

    Ch 18 Blood-Flavored Lollipops
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas Koberiep

    That's one of the reasons why I have the cover of her grown-up. To show that she's a survivor and to give a sense of hope and reassurance that things will change/

    Ch 15 Musical Mirror
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas AcesHigh

    The sugar thing or the house thing? If the house thing, agreed. If the sugar thing, you do realise that the one pouring sugar is American right?

    'Why aren't you sitting with your house?' I ask as she pours sugar on her eggs.
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas StromLantern

    Who honestly doesn't love him?

    "Ye know, I was in the same boat as you. Yer gonna do jus' fine. Dumbledore's A great man, an'" he turns his head to look at me over his shoulder with a smile that reaches his eyes. "Yeh don' have ter be ashamed of what yeh are."
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas AcesHigh

    Future Clueless here. lol. Yeah, my writing was a bit on the nose in the beginning. She stops directly referring to herself as a monster at some point but still feels that way somewhat.

    "I don't know. I bet all of them are fun to be in! What about you Catlyn?" We start following Hagrid as her question brings a battle from the back of my head to the forefront of my thoughts. What house will I be in? I'm not brave enough to be a Gryffindor, kind enough to be a Hufflepuff, smart enough to be a Ravenclaw, or cunning enough to be a Slytherin. Is it possible I won't get any house? No that's impossible, at the very least I'd be put in Hufflepuff because 'they accept everyone who doesn't fit with the others.' But would the teachers allow such a monstrous thing to be a Hufflepuff?
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas Magn0lia

    Eventually, but in this book no. She's 11.

    ----Quick note, Things in * for Catlyn will be when she's using BSL (British Sign Langauge), and things in ' will be when she's using her notebook.
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas Irgendwe

    Thank you so much for catching this!

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
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  • Clueless59
    Balas Mr_H3nt1

    Yes. The events of the original story still took place after she was knocked unconscious.

    Ch 52 Down by the Docks
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas Mr_H3nt1

    From last chapter: “‘Has the Philosopher's Stone been destroyed yet?’ A dark look peered out of a corner of his blue eyes. ‘Severus, why are you asking me that?’ Shame poured from my dark mark as his eyes narrowed. ‘I'm not asking for myself,’ Dumbledore's body relaxed slowly as my words got deciphered through his genius.” From this chapter: “I unconsciously start rubbing the piece of the Philosopher's Stone dangling around my neck. I mean, what am I going to say? Sorry, I couldn't write, I was recovering in the Hospital Wing after failing to stop my biological uncle from getting into the room where the thing that later allows Snape to perfect my Mana Potion is held!… That being said, I'm surprised that the Philosopher's Stone stabilized the potion. They even allowed me to keep a piece of it after they destroyed it!” Snape figured out that the Philosopher’s Stone could stabilize the problems with the potion. He then asked Dumbledore to allow Catlyn to keep a piece of the stone to make more potions. hope that cleared it up for you! If more people get confused or didn’t get the significance of that part I’ll come back and make it more clear! :)

    Ch 52 Down by the Docks
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas boxessssss

    Nope. Thank

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
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  • Clueless59
    Balas Melibee

    It's going to be the last chapter of the first book of many. I love this story too and enjoy writing it. Sorry that my wording was worrying.

    Ch 44 Christmas, Part III
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas boxessssss

    I’m great at combacks and ridicule! I practice on myself daily!

    Ch 42 Christmas, Part I
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas boxessssss

    Canes, rat monsters, and jackets, oh my!

    Ch 42 Christmas, Part I
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas Tony_Marks


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    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
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  • Clueless59
    Balas ATAB_MMMM

    My pleasure :)

    Ch 40 Insecurity
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59
  • Clueless59
    Balas DaoistSoulDive

    Chapter 39 tells you what her sexuality is but If you really want to know SPOILER WARNING __________________________________________________________ She's Bi

    Ch 4 The Hogwarts Express
    Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)
    Derivasi dari karya · Clueless59