I like to think I’m awesome...So yeah, Check out my book Downfall Of The Kings Lemme know whatcha think of it!!!
Membaca buku-buku
This means so much!!! I didn’t know how I was doing so I really appreciate it
Na fam, He was always an apostle of Death
My Beloved readers. From the bottom of my heart I apologize for this message but I am no longer going to keep updating my book. It is a bittersweet decision but one that I must make. Between working three jobs, heavy criticism, lack of motivatIon and trying to find sleep, I Have no time to write or update the book. I am so sorry To any one who actually liked the story. SPOILER ALERT To give closure to like that one fan of my book I will share with you what I had planned. Em and Ventus would reunite and defend against the mini War force trying to attack sulpa With all 5 of Quinn’s Disciples dead, the constraints on her true and most powerful follower. He was going to wreck everyone as He was madly in love with quinn and would take everyone out in her name. Through the combined efforts of Lakia, Phinn, Sam, Em, Ven, and SB they would overcome and move to fight Quinn. She tried to wreck them but they whoop her And Em deals the final blow. [Insert Story] Fate dies some how…Had not spent much Time since she was my least fav. Xavier comes in just to stomp on everyone, Phinn is mad because Xavier is abusing his daughter. He gets killed by Xavier but not before entrusting her to Em. Em gets a power boost and all his old abilities back when he gets his soul back. Our heros move to 99th floor determined to kill the final king. They get wrecked. SB sacrifices himself to Save Em and Ven by transcending into the Great Slime God Sir Blob. Round 2 with xavier happens and they overcome him. In a dark twist, the great evil manifests and defeats the Master Of Shadows, opening up the door straight to floor 100. Em and Ven go Only to realize that the final ones to kill are this great Evil Who not only took over the body of the forgotten champion but also corrupted Autumn. After an epic fight everyone dies leaving Em alone and with a choice. He can go home to earth and Leave behind everything he fought against and Betray the memories of those who entrusted salvation to him or he can pick up the Mantel of the great evil and start the cycle again just as he had done so in order for a better outcome. (He was the evil all along whaaaaaaaat) Anyway lame story sorry to have made you read it.
Don’t worry it wont be long🤭
She is probably helping them cause [Spoilers]
Love your comments, This was one of my fav chapters. Thank You for your support and I hope you continue to enjoy my story :)
The Low low price of $420.69
Sorry it took forever but I was down with Covid
I am happy to hear you are open to giving this genre a try. Hopefully you enjoy my novel as much as I have enjoyed yours 😊