Membaca buku-buku
I hope it’s true. We need to give Kellen a good reason to go beat Brent’s sh *itty family’s a$$$.
Why do I have a feeling that the S Class running it is Brents Dad? I mean, Brent already confirmed the man is vio lent, especially against Guides, since I’m pretty sure that’s the person who ripped off Brents arm. Plus, Brent seems like he came from a rich, powerful family associated with a Guild. So it’d make sense that his Dad would be an S Class Esper. Also, it’d be the one plot point that connects Brents character to the story line. Bc right now he’s just some random character that just HAPPENED to show up on the frontlines and meet Kellen, thus introducing his character into the story. But there needs to be more to this characters background and significance in the story than that….
Wait, so is he saying that he foresaw that a gate is going to form in the Tower? Or is this just metaphorical?
Honestly, Rhys is one to talk considering he literally had an ENTIRE plan to ki dnap Kellen 😑
Green and Hill??? Can I see it? Idk……….
Actually, the whole act by the EAG of using a fake Gunther is the one reason why I DON’T see how it’s a good idea to send Gunther? I mean, with his hair color and fame, all the EAG members would immediately know who he was, so it’s not like he could go in undercover. Plus, wouldn’t they think Gunther was there to get back at them for pretending to be him? So what reason would they ever have to trust him if he tries to pretend to join their cause???
I don’t think Gunther would become an Guide-hat ing Esper and actually go over to their side. I mean, look at how he feels about Casper - he’s in love with him. Why would an Esper who is DEEPLY in love with a Guide want to join the side of Espers who literally want to KI LL them. That would completely go against his feelings toward Casper.
Wait, did Rhys do something to make sure that Uncle Tom never go this info, and set the man up? Or did Uncle Tom actually just happen to miss this message?
Lemme guess, Rhys is doing it for Kellen (ever since he found out about the way Uncle Tom had treated Kellen). I mean, I’m sure like 10% of his reason is that he genuinely thinks it’s time for Uncle Tom to go, and is fed up with the man’s years of buIIsh *it. But 90% of it is definitely bc of Kellen.