


I am mbbs students and newbie to writing. English is not my mother tongue so if there are little error please forgive me and hope you will like my story Instagram = chetssyav

2020-12-21 BergabungNepal





Membaca buku-buku


Mafia or Professor

Carsyn pov OMG!!!!!!!! It's already 8 am. How could I miss my alarm today, seriously today! This is the day i have been eagerly waiting for. No i guess it's not only me. Almost all the girls in the university have been waiting for this day. You know why? Cause it's Thursday. Yes you are reading right. Just because today is THE THURSDAY! Thrusday means today is the class of my boyfriend. Ha ha just kidding, it's not my boyfriend but obviously the one i want as my husband. And he is Andreas Finley. The Most handsome species till now i have laid my eyes on. He is 28 years old, with a Greek god like perfect face with blue eyes, perfect height of 6.2, having a damn sexy body and with a devil like attitude with a never smiling stern face. There are rumours that he is worse than the devil and his profession as a professor is just to cover up his real business. Still i am not sure but may be it's true cause he takes only one class per week. Oh, how i wish he was only mine even though he is a devil or what not but it's not possible in this life time since there is a rumor that he is already married. So, what if he is already married, i can still have a good look at him without paying any tax. All the girls in university drool over him. I guess his wife is really the lucky one. If only i was his wife, Carsyn Andreas Finley, how pleasing it sounds to my ears! . ..... Oh no i am already late, i guess i am not going to get a seat in the first row. Oh god please make leo take the seat in first row. Leo, he is my best friend. That nerd boy alway comes first but if he is not going to get a seat in the first row, I'll surely kill him and then go to prison. **** Author This is going to be interesting. Will Carsyn davis be able to get the attention and love from the devil professor Andreas finley? If yes, how? And how will the devil react to carsyn's love? Will he love her? If yes , what about his wife? Has Andreas noticed her until now? if not how will things proceed from here?

Chetssyav · Realistis
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27 Chs