

2020-12-19 BergabungAscension Island





Membaca buku-buku




  • zachmyers271
    Balas Mysteryon

    And what? Waste years on trying to learn portals when he could be using that time to practice martial arts and fight opponents? Yeah, no. There is such a thing as biting off more than you can chew, you know? Focus on what you're good at instead of trying to learn everything. It's better to be a master of a single thing than okay in a lot of things.

    Plus, I apparently have trash talent for Sorcery...so, you know, not much I can do there.
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas SirZed

    ...And? They don't need to be even lol.

    So, with that in mind, I allotted 50 points to my Internal State to take it up to 200 and I put the 180 remaining points into my External State, pushing it all the way up to 330. And with it decided, I mentally accepted the choice and another wave of change flowed through me.
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas twistedloops

    It won't change. He'll always be a Human. A Super Human, like you said, but still a human at his very core.

    [Race: Human]
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas twistedloops

    Then she also knows that it works out in the end. That everyone is revived and Thanos is killed (two times). So, she won't change anything to avoid messing up everything. Because trying to stop Thanos from every snapping his fingers may in fact actually help him complete his objective quicker than before. After all, it's as the saying goes ''You often meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it''. Plus, the MC's information is already somewhat corrupted and inaccurate. He's been living in this world for just under two decades and he hasn't been living very quietly either, so he's already changed the future just by existing. He also isn't the type to take the risk of letting Thanos snap his fingers anyway, so he was gonna change the future anyway.

    Then there's magic. Honestly, I'd rather stay well away from the Ancient One. Why? Because she knows too much about me for me to feel at ease. I dropped by a few years back just to see if I had the talent and she greeted me by referring to me as 'Reincarnator'. I mean, she's not wrong but it still buts me in an uncomfortable position.
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas twistedloops

    She already knows of everything that's going to happen lol. She admitted to that in the Doctor Strange movie. She also wouldn't change the future in any adverse ways because first and foremost, she wants the world to prosper and live on. So her knowing about him doesn't really change anything - it just makes the MC feel uncomfortable around her.

    Then there's magic. Honestly, I'd rather stay well away from the Ancient One. Why? Because she knows too much about me for me to feel at ease. I dropped by a few years back just to see if I had the talent and she greeted me by referring to me as 'Reincarnator'. I mean, she's not wrong but it still buts me in an uncomfortable position.
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas SirZed

    Mental Magic or Mind Magic would literally allow her to know he was a reincarnator. That's all that needs to be said, my guy.

    Then there's magic. Honestly, I'd rather stay well away from the Ancient One. Why? Because she knows too much about me for me to feel at ease. I dropped by a few years back just to see if I had the talent and she greeted me by referring to me as 'Reincarnator'. I mean, she's not wrong but it still buts me in an uncomfortable position.
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas SirZed

    Time Stone ---> Would be able to see him maybe speaking to himself about being reborn ---> She now knows he's a reincarnator. And if not that: He meets her ---> She reads his mind, sees his thoughts and his other life ---> She now knows he's a reincarnator. I didn't pull this out of my ass, my guy. Blame the MCU's magic being too flexible and without definition. If it had clearer restrictions, I wouldn't be of the thought that the Ancient One could read the MC's mind with mind/mental magic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Then there's magic. Honestly, I'd rather stay well away from the Ancient One. Why? Because she knows too much about me for me to feel at ease. I dropped by a few years back just to see if I had the talent and she greeted me by referring to me as 'Reincarnator'. I mean, she's not wrong but it still buts me in an uncomfortable position.
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas AzuraBloody

    No, just the Murim in general. Superhuman Martial Artist stuff and whatnot.

    Ch 2 Activation Of The System
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas AlchemyBeast

    Nah. He doesn't really need it, honestly. He's already a beast, and now he can limitlessly improve his physical body via a system? And he has Qi now as well? He's only gonna get better really.

    Ch 2 Activation Of The System
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas Inquisitor_Drew

    That's his next step. Think of the improvement he could get to his Qi if he took the Iron Fist? And some of their teachings would help him immensely in both fighting style and Qi manipulation.

    Ch 2 Activation Of The System
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas Shinto_no_Kami

    Uhhh, the one star in your reviews says otherwise, friend.

    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas Vincent_Kun

    He'll be working WITH an organization. That's not too bad, I hope? He won't be under them as a subordinate, anyway.

    Ch 1 The Journey So Far and The Final Enemy Needed
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas Sandford_96

    I mean, she has the Time Stone in her possession which gives her an inherent advantage. Plus, she probably has tonnes of mind/mental magic at her disposal, so figuring out the MC wouldn't be all that hard, honestly. Luckily, she's a Neutral Good aligned character otherwise the MC would be screwed. The most she'll ask of him is to save someone or something similar. Nothing too drastic or too hard for the MC to do.

    Ch 1 The Journey So Far and The Final Enemy Needed
    MCU: Murim System
    Filem · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas White_Clown

    What? No. Why in the hell would anyone have their 6-year-old daughter manning a reception desk lol?

    Ch 2 Martial Arts
    Reborn In My Hero Academia
    Komik · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas WinnieLePooh

    No, her Quirk would have to be complementary to the other Quirk or to be able to enhance something about the other Quirk. So, the mom's Quirk 'Strong Arm' put together with the strength-enhancement Quirk 'Power' is a complementary merge that would result in a better Quirk because it would lead to super strength AND the ability to punch with extreme speed and strength - both of which enhance the other. It's like this: on it's own 'Strong Arm' has a lot of weak points because all it does is enhance the arms and shoulders of someone. But when it's put together with 'Power' - which gives someone incredible strength and durability - you get an incredibly strong Quirk that's better than either one on it's own.

    My mom's a police officer - her Quirk is strong but it isn't the best, so becoming a Hero wasn't the best chance she had at helping people. She just took the better chance, or so she says to me. Or what I remember from my limited memories from this body.
    Reborn In My Hero Academia
    Komik · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas GreekAres

    I'm gonna add a few new characters, sure (mainly because some of the people in Class 1-A don't really deserve to be there). But I don't know whether I'm gonna pair up the MC with an original character from MHA or whether I'll make a new character to be paired with him.

    Ch 2 Martial Arts
    Reborn In My Hero Academia
    Komik · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas nutt

    Nope. I just used 'Wakatoshi Ushijima' as a name and based my MC's appearance off of the 'Haikyuu' character for the sake of giving my readers a tangible image to base the MC off of when they read about him. I'm not gonna cross any other anime with this one either.

    Ch 2 Martial Arts
    Reborn In My Hero Academia
    Komik · zachmyers271
  • zachmyers271
    Balas BigWeebDegenerate

    Rappa does have Strong Arm, yeah. But he has no relation to the MC.

    I had two Quirks. One, was a strength-enhancement Quirk called 'Power', and the other was an Emitter Quirk called 'Strong Arm'. The former came from my dad and the latter came from my mom. 'Power' gives the user immense physical strength and athletic ability, while 'Strong Arm' allows the person to move their shoulders (and therefore arms) with superhuman speed and force - which allows for incredible fast and strong punches. The aim of the Quirk Marriage was, if it's not obvious, to make a strong brawler who could hit like a freight train while also having super strength in other parts of their body.
    Reborn In My Hero Academia
    Komik · zachmyers271