

2020-12-16 BergabungRussia





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  • Zeniel

    Sorry, but he was corrupted by the Odin long ago.

    "I know, but I'm worried those Devils might have their eyes on him! He probably attends Kuoh Academy now, where the Gremory and Sitri have made their base! May the Lord protect him from their corrupting influences." She started praying, hoping that nothing bad had happened to him. 
    A Fake Familiar Reborn
    Komik · NimtheWriter
  • Zeniel

    Considering that calligraphy in Japan is considered a serious art, that some people do professionally, it is quite good.

    "Writing Talent" was as simple as that, but "Penmanship" gave him the knowledge to write by hand. It made the words written by his hands more beautiful somehow. 
    My Stepsister in Kyoto
    Komik · akikan40
  • Zeniel
    Balas LongDao

    ...I wouldn't say, that enchanted memory equals eidetic. Eidetic memory is an ability to save in your memory sensory information itself, instead of just breaking it up into conceptual information(words, vague feeling, etc.), like usual people. People with eidetic memory may forget this information as easily as usual people their memories, but just like usual people may remember forgotten information, people with eidetic memory also may recall it back, but because it is a sensory information itself it is kind of like reliving it again, so there is no vagueness. Basically, it doesn't directly improve memory, but indirectly by making it work differently. It doesn't make things easier to recall, but you make more memories to recall and sensations that you recall is very clear. So, it is different.

    The fifth skill was "Mind," which made his brain work better as if it could remember many things easily. If he had to say, it was like Panmensia, an ability to remember everything perfectly, but it wasn't so perfect, so it was more an enhanced memory than perfect memory, but that alone was enough to do this job to become an impressive choice. 
    My Stepsister in Kyoto
    Komik · akikan40
  • Zeniel

    First, maybe you should prepare Yume for accepting another women?

    When that happened, then it was possible for him to marry all of his women "legally." 
    My Stepsister in Kyoto
    Komik · akikan40
  • Zeniel

    Allow harems for both sides?

    Yet, with how strong feminism is in this world currently, he knew that such a movement would cause rejection. 
    My Stepsister in Kyoto
    Komik · akikan40
  • Zeniel

    Considering it is catastrophe romance novel... yes, he might just include inn his novel an editor.

    'Are they discussing a plot for the novel?' 
    My Stepsister in Kyoto
    Komik · akikan40
  • Zeniel

    And he haven't chosen incubus(or was it succubus?) job yet...

    Nevertheless, he had to say that while he had prepared for this, he realized that his charm was too dangerous, and wherever he was, he would become the center of attention. Even if he stayed in the private compartment, the female staff somehow empathically tried to approach him, ignoring the fact that they might lose their jobs when they tried to seduce him. 
    My Stepsister in Kyoto
    Komik · akikan40
  • Zeniel

    And his suit is wrinkled again...

    Nevertheless, as the two were busy, there was no doubt a storm was coming to Tokyo. 
    My Stepsister in Kyoto
    Komik · akikan40
  • Zeniel

    no one can stop you* Or it would be double negation.

    [Whenever, wherever, whoever, no matter what, no one can't stop you.]
    My Stepsister in Kyoto
    Komik · akikan40
  • Zeniel
    I immediately turned it into reality and changed my hair with my shapechanging ability... I was unskilled with haircuts, so the one from my previous life was always a mess, but it's turned out good there. Deciding to go with it, I hid the glasses in one of the coat's inner pockets.'
    This Romantic Comedy Changed Genre to Isekai Modern Fantasy
    Komik · Zeniel
  • Zeniel
    Balas JonRedSea

    Still better than Lancer... or Gilgamesh.

    His interactions with Rider during the Fuyuki Holy Grail Wars had oftentimes been less than ideal, to say the least. While she seemed friendly enough with some versions of Emiya Shirou, her demeanor toward him in every iteration of the fifth Grail War was notably colder. He couldn't blame her, considering his history with his younger self and his less-than-friendly intentions. Even so, it was imperative that he caution his Master and her peerage to be careful around Rider, and refrain from divulging too much information.
    A Fake Familiar Reborn
    Komik · NimtheWriter
  • Zeniel
    Balas LuciferDFallN1

    Bullets are made from a lead for an additional stopping force when they connect with their target, making more damage with blunt force than from piercing. If you use steel or even more sturdy material for a bullet you would increase its piercing effect... but gradually decrease blunt force, the main damaging feature of a bullet. In other words, bullet from valerian steel would work in a battle only if it would pierce some organ, and even then damage may be non-lethal. Human can survive even with a half of brain. Small hole in the body of a dragon may be considered negligible damage if you don't have enough accuracy to hit some small but necessary organ. ...And who would even use rare and limited material on something expandable?

    Without wasting time or pointless talk with God, I rolled the roulette. It landed between Game of Thrones, Guilty Crown, and COTE. When it landed on COTE, I sighed in relief. I had no need to go to a dark world like GOT or Guilty Crown. Moreover, the danger in COTE was not as much, as long as I didn't go to the White Room or provoke someone I shouldn't, everything would be easy.
    My sister Arisu Sakayanagi is a yandere
    Komik · Great_Darkness
  • Zeniel
    Balas DaoistOfeOTA

    Kawasaki's bro-... Huh! Where are you dragging me?! What do you mean "heretic"?!

    I clutched my head in frustration. Onii-chan stirred in his sleep and then became fully aware of his surroundings. My body stilled when he stretched. I met his gaze when he stood up, towering over me. He looked at me with a quirked eyebrow before smiling softly, causing my heart to flutter. He patted my head and then took off his shirt. I wasn't bothered as it was not the first time, but the sight of his chiseled body still made me blush. Mom had even told me more than once that she would date Onii-chan if he wasn't her son.
    Uninvited, A Vampire Becomes Part of My Youth
    Komik · Frona_Gorgophone
  • Zeniel
    Balas Sir_Squirrel

    Some plants, like apium, speed up metabolism, making your body burn up calories faster, but yeah, point taken.

    It was rather unfortunate that Shinobu didn't let me consume this type of dinner every time as she said that I would die from cholesterol which shouldn't happen because I was a Vampire. I complied, though, as the meal was delicious but not that healthy with how many calories and fats it had. It was the reason why we always evened it out with salads.
    Uninvited, A Vampire Becomes Part of My Youth
    Komik · Frona_Gorgophone
  • Zeniel

    Advocate of Hypocrisy is our lord!

    [Devourer (Admin) has disabled nickname changes]
    Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher
    Komik · AdamFlores
  • Zeniel

    Oh, she still doesn't know that she isn't Wakaba...

    [Schizophrenic spider: Has my golden finger finally arrived?! Will this make me op and get me out of this hellish dungeon??!!]
    Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher
    Komik · AdamFlores
  • Zeniel
    Balas PADORU_PADORU_4276

    Exactly. You can have power of level 1 adventurer without a Falna, so it only makes sense to allow people without it.

    "Hah, how great it would be if a goddess could take a liking to me and be willing to support me—"
    Danmachi: Captured by Freya at the Beginning!
    Komik · U22
  • Zeniel
    Balas KwagiBoi


    While Zane was scavenging for supplies in the cafeteria for the second time, the surviving members of his class were hiding elsewhere on school grounds. Those with any semblance of intelligence had fled to the school's roof and barred the door from the outside.
    Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night
    perkotaan · Zentmeister
  • Zeniel

    From my experience, it's a typical 18th birthday.

    These were the words spoken by a dark-haired youth just before exhaling a plume of heavy smoke from his lungs. Youth? That was not entirely accurate. After all, today was Zane's 18th birthday. Yet there was no celebration to be had, no cards wishing him well, not even a single text message by one of the few people in his life recognizing that he had been alive for eighteen years as of today.
    Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night
    perkotaan · Zentmeister
  • Zeniel

    You don't need skills nor magic on upper floors. There is no difference between 0 stats level 1 adventurer and someone without a falna, so there is no sense in prohibition of second ones out of "danger". And some races can use magic or have naturally strong body.

    "Hah, how great it would be if a goddess could take a liking to me and be willing to support me—"
    Danmachi: Captured by Freya at the Beginning!
    Komik · U22