Membaca buku-buku
hercules can say he's saving neha from his sisters by breaking up with her... it's all facade... if he really wanted to save neha he would have kept her with him and dealt with his sisters.... he is capable enough to stop his sisters from harming neha... it's all excuses given by hercules for hurting neha... reality is all three children are like their mother .., they want their own happiness at the cost of others misery , pain etc... all three children of AK are self centered people...
thanks for the update
thanks for the update
thanks for the update
thanks for the update
thanks for the update
Pl don't rush in bringing aryan. . write everything in detail which you had planned don't rush things. .
nice update .. thanks for the update
thanks for the update
I have earlier also said don't rush in finishing the story .. i came on this app only for your story . write what ever you have thought of . .. . we love your story. ..