Membaca buku-buku
Why isnt everything going into the beast space? If he could hold the body of that cleric in a bag, and Thor brought in holy stones for his pond, then it stands to reason the space is capable of storing supplies and loot. Not to mention it would be safer there from getting lost or left behind during a battle... Why are they carrying anything?
I thought Hawk had great night vision...?
Wouldn't the regular Awakened soldiers of both armies be getting fairly mutinous by now? The entire war was based on false accusations and "hard feelings" - pride and loyalty will only go so far when you know that you're just canon foder, fighting / dying in a hell hole for god knows how long. Extreme heat with no real night, means no proper sleep, no real sun... this is a recipe for total psychological break down. Add nightmare creatures, that are just a constant reminder that you're killing people that could and should be your allies, it would feel hopeless and senseless. There would be masses of people literally losing their minds, turning on each other, suicides... Especially when everyone is well aware that their "king" and "queen" could simply step in at any time and end it, one way or another, I don't see how either side is keeping this up. Its not even a question of morale, at this point it would be a fight just to hold onto your sanity.
shaft? haft?
"gleaned" its secrets
Why is she still binding her chest?
So are ALL Gates actually a seed that can be used to challenge? Still trying to grasp the tiered gate / seed / Nightmare system. Why was the seed that Mordret and Sunny's team took to ascend so different? I forget exactly what the reason was, but there was something special...