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Send him to a universe with Deadpool and have him gain the Optional 4th Wall Breaking Quest. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; see how the Gods.Fates like to see him!
Notice how he thought how as long as he hadn't accidentally killed people: Meaning his old man would be fine so long as he had purposely killed people.
But... You are forgetting one, small, detail. THIS IS LOKI! Why wouldn't he be able to destroy the Dark Elves? There isn't many of them, and just sending his rampaging monsters at the Dark Elves would be enough to kill them. Not including him teleporting, not including Hela, not including his children... Hell, not including his modified humans! There is literally no way that Loki can lose to the Dark Elves.
Peter Baelish's words rewritten.
Incorrect. The one that you may have been thinking of died immediately after birth because the universe cannot handle a good Delores Umbridge. Said Umbridge was a twin, and so that Delores Umbridge was an even worse Delores Umbridge.
The spelling is Qin, the pronunciation is Chin.
Batman Agrees.
Absolutely Discworld - for one, meeting with a personification of Death would be interesting; the other, meeting somebody's who fate was also irrevocably convoluted (RINCEWIND!!!!!!!!!)
Oh, Hela YES!
Don't forget the English Folklore (Arthur and Uther Pendragon?)